Chapter one-And it all begins

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"Ok come on now- ", Minato started, "- or we will start the training without you. I don't have all day, being Hokage has its responsibilities too." He told to his only daughter amongst his three children. Her name was Naruko while the boys were named Menma and Naruto. "Yes dad, I'm there in a bit." Naruko responded with excitement. She was the spitting image of her mother Kushina, slim figure, fair complex, hyperactive character, bad temper, and the red waist-length hair but her eyes were blue like her father's. "Come now or Menma is going to get all the goooood stuuuff.." Kushina said in a tempting voice as if for treats. "Mom whatever let's just start you know she'll never miss training." Menma stated. He was a couple minutes older than Naruko and just as much younger than Naruto, he looked like his father, naturally tan skin but had black spiky hair. "And I'm going to become Hokage, I should have more attention here." However his character took more like Kushina and it was somewhat narcissistic. Naruko just came out in the garden. "Not before I do!" She shouted at her brother's face, keeping the competition high. They were just kids, five years old, but both had already started training. And with their parents non the less, being the Hokage's and Red Death's children had it's benefits.

As the four of them were happily occupying the not so humble back garden of the family's huge residence, a fifth figure was watching them from behind a window of that house. He had almost blonde platinum hair, pale skin and blue ice in color eyes, he looked like his father but his face and eyes were a bit rounder and he had three whiskers on each cheek. Currently, he was looking at his so-called 'perfect' family, which apparently had just one flaw, him, the eldest child, Naruto, he wasn't treated like his siblings, not from his parents, not from the rest of the village where he lived, Konoha-The leaf Village. When he was a bit younger, when he started to vaguely understand things, he would wonder why people were cold to him, making him feel unwelcomed, sometimes when there were children around him, their parents would rapidly get them away. "What are you doing I told you not to play with that kid!!!" Naruto was left alone just as he was at that moment behind the glass panes.

At that time he didn't mind much about the weird behavior towards him but he was a little sad. Nearly a year later, when he was about four, he begun to know another concept, that of hate. He was old enough to get in the streets on his own and so he did. When Naruto started to go out alone he noticed the people were being more aggressive at him. "Get away from here." "I never wat to see you again!" They would even shove him out of places. "You're scaring my customers, go get lost!!", They were more rude. "Stupid brat-" "you evil will pay-" And he, he didn't know why, there was no reason for that. He was scared. That is when he noticed them, they were everywhere, they showed disappointment, like with the cases of some elder citizens, coldness and bad intentions, some didn't look at him at all, they just ignored the kid, they despised of him, like his family Naruto thought, but more intensely than them. His mother wasn't particularly sweet to him and would leave him to just be for most of the time. His father was usually away because of his job, he took the mothers side. And his siblings just didn't count him, something they learned from their parents.

But they all had one thing in common, one thing that soon enough, Naruto came to be warry of. They all bared hatred towards the boy. Naruto feared for himself and doubted the people around him.

Not long after, one evening while the sun had yet to set, Naruto was walking home in an alley. Alone like usual, a drunk man who practically was a 'native' to that exact road, who Naruto passed every day started to act up. "I have ..' *hunk'.. ..hAD ENOUGH of this- " Said the man as he rushed face and bottle first at the boy."COME HERE YOU DEMON!!" Naruto was stunned at the words chosen to describe him"I WILL SHOW YOU" but instinct took the better of him and did what every smart person at his conditions would do. Run. "THEY'RE GONE NOW!! YOU TOOK THEM- I WANT THEM BACK!!!" Luckily the man was too wasted and tripped more than once so Naruto arrived home safely. He told Kushina what happened. She had become the type who really wouldn't put her hand above fire for him. She did not do anything about it. Naruto was baffled, no dumbstruck. Even his siblings were behaving the same way, not showing interest at such 'exciting' story. That wasn't the only attempt Naruto experienced. More came and Naruto wasn't as fortunate in some. The villagers wouldn't go all out knowing who he was but cuts are cuts and bruises are bruises and for the villagers, they didn't seem much. While Minato was put in knowledge of, he didn't take them for a big deal. He thought of them as a way that Naruto could try to get more attention.

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