Chapter six-I don't hate you (Part II)

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Sandaime looked out of a window. He had arrived at the Hokage tower to cover for Naruto in case he screwed things up. 'What did his mind think? Infiltrating there is difficult enough, ones skill have to be flawless, let alone stealing one of the most precious of tools Konoha has in it's disposal. However, should he succeed, that would be the result of the training he has received durir these six years. That would strengthen Danzo's beliefs even more.' He started to walk. 'It should be eleven now. I better pay a visit to Minato.' As Hiruzen was walking someone approached from behind, walking in the same direction. He turned to see who it was. "Sandaime-sama" the jonin bowed eith respect. "It has been a long time." Sarutobi knew him. "Oho, Kinoe how have you been? I almost didn't recognise you." "Fine sir. But that was my anbu alias, now it is Yamato." 'So you are him.' "Yamato it is then. Where were you headed to?" "The Hokage's office sir." "Then we will be walking together. Tell me what have you been up to lately." "I am a sensei now sir. Today was me first day." "Great, that is a rewarding job, morally and physically. It may be tiring in cases but when you see your student be somebody, it is well worth it. Speaking fom experience." "Well, you should know sir, you are the Professor after all." "Yes, yes. Right you are" Hiruzen chuckled.

"If I am not mistaken, your student is Naruto-kun right? I didn't recognise the name when I read it so I was curious to know, but since it is you there is no problem." "Yes sir. I have made requests these past years to get this post and this time it got accepted." Yamato explained. "Maybe Minato wanted you to watch over Naruto, that's why he accepted it now. What can you tell me about the boy?"
"Well we arrived, so if Hokage-sama allows it you can hear too."

"So Yamato" Minato said, the three of them in the office "Tell us, how was your first day? How was him?" Hiruzen frowned at the last word. "Him" was what Minato and Naruto used to refer to each other. The same was with Kushina. "A bit tougher than I expected sir." "Explain it." Minato said. "Naruto's almost record graduation wasn't without reason. He is clearly above the level of someone who just left academy. He has chunin level of strength and speed." "He had chunin chakra levels when he was younger, strengh and speed are not that surprising, he got that from Kushina's clan. I expect there are more." "Yes sir, Natuto's mind too is advanced, he is able to formulate efficient strategies in a short period of time and take sound on spot decisions. His skill and mastery of weapons could rival that of a newly appointed jonin. He can work with kunai, shuriken and ninja threads like they are an extension of his body. I held back a quite a bit, I didn't use many jutsus or my special skill but our first battle lasted some hours. He managed to give me some bruises." "What about jutsus?" Minato asked. "He could already walk on trees and water and the academy's jutsu were child's play. His taijutsu is really good and I believe he can use kenjutsu. If he knows any othet type he did not show. He seems to have trained before sir. All he needs now is experience" "All?" Minato asked. "All sir." 'If that is all, then what he showed you is almost next to nothing.' Hiruzen thought. "What do you think Lord Third?" Minato asked him. "If that is true then I think that you won't be alone with the flee on sight warning for much longer." Hituzen answered.

"If I may sir?" Yamato asked premission. Minato nodded. "You do not seem much surprised sir." "I was getting to that Yamato." Minato pulled the drawer and took a paper from it. "Take a look at this." Both the old man and the new sensei came closer. "This is.." Yamato was stunned. "It seems that Naruto Uzumaki has taken some matters in his own hands." "Minato stood from the chair and looked upon the village. "I have apparently singed the shinoni independence form and Naruto has now control of his self." Minato placed a fist on the window's glass. "I should have known they weren't just permission papers for the trainin grounds." 'Minato sounds angry. Is it because Naruto-kun fooled him or else thing?' "He won my trust for signing those, then tested if he could succeed in having taken my sign without me noticing. He got me. I had seen him many times read books from the houses library and my personal collection. I didn't think he could understand them. I underestimated him, again." He turned to Yamato. "Add Fūinjutsu to what He knows, except him to know more things, there is a lot in those books." Minato had calmed a bit. "Yes sir" Yamato said, he bid goodnight and left. 'It is a miracle how we have keept his training hidden for so long.' "You sounded anxious Minato." Yondaime sat back in the chair, releasing a tired sigh. "I just don't know what to do Hiruzen-san." "Do what is best Minato, what is the best."

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