Chapter four-Shinobi

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"You and I, we are stuck with each other." Here he was, now Naruto got it and answered his own question "You are the Nine-Tails."

"Why am I here?" Naruto asked. "Come closer" was the Kyuubi's response. Naruto started walking closer to the huge cage door "You know, - he started to speak-, Nine-Tails, you have noticed that it won't work with me. I'm sad, not angry." The beast stood silent. "You are even hiding your power right now, right?" "Sadness is a paralytic, yet you are walking." The beast stood up on his four, it was really monstrous. It's fur flowed like hair under water. Naruto, even with the room brightened from nothing, could not see the whole Kyuubi, even the fox's pupil was bigger than him and still some part of the beast was ia a shadow. He could feel Kyuubi's chakra, it was like wind blowing from the beast's direction. He could even see, 'red wind?' 'no that is chakra' The fox was creating a wind gust just by letting his power cling around him.

Naruto stopped at the door between the iron pillars."Are you not scarred of me?" Even by just hearing Kyuubi's voice one would approvr the question but Naruro didn't seem threatened from it "Looking at her would only make me more sad. Thank you for giving Fu a fitting fun-fu-ne.."
"Funeral" "Yes, to me it was something , something-..." "Spare me the irritation." Opposite to the Nine-Tailed fox Naruto's voice was calm, not denying the beast "Really thank-" "STOP THERE, I do not need your gratitude, I am the Nine-Tails, it wasn't my intention to help you. Don't get it wrong human. I want to see you dead. I want to see all the people in this damn village dead. Do you hear me?" "Yes, I hear you." "Good. Now get away" it was getting annoying for the fox "I've never spoken to a human this long. You stupid beings are so tiring." Naruto lowered his head. He had a small smile, despite being sad about the lost of his friend. "It is like you said Nine-Tails."

The door of the house opened and Naruto entered. 'I promised to train, so I am going to train. I should get some food.' He headed for the kitchen, he heard voices from there. "Careful mom. It burns!!" Menma was whining. "That is what you get for trying to pick up street cats." Kushina was treating Menma with cotton and alcohol to disinfectate the cuts. 'It was Menma's doing.' "But don't worry mom, I told some villagers there and they took care of thing completely." 'You told them she was mine.' Naruto thought as he entered the kitchen. Kushina and Menma looked at him. Memna painted a smirk on his face, while Naruto looked at him as calmly as he could but he got betrayed by his expression, and it was not a happy one. It was cold and stoic, like Naruto would snap Menma like a twig for a campfire. Kushina looked between the two. 'Uffff' Kushina sighted in her mind, it wasn't hard to guess what had happened, at least for her. "Listen here" she said to Naruto "If you were thinking of taking a pet, you shouldn't pick one from the streets, those are feral. Look what it did to Menma, and it is selfish to take one only for yourself. What about you brother and sister?" Naruto just listened to her. "For now, no more pets" Kushina finished "Ok" Naruto said. He went to a drawer and took some small cakes. "I'm going out" he said and left before anyone could say anythingt, not that anyone said anything.

In the forest was where Naruto had decided to start his training. He held a kunai in his right hand and threw it at a tree, where several other were pined, he switched hands wih every throw. The boy was not wearing gloves so the cold air and the cold metal made his hands shake and sting in a little pain. 'This is good.' He thought. 'Training in the cold is great. If I train to do things perfect, in these conditions, when I'm numb and have less control of my body, I will do them even better in every environment.' He wrinkled his lips and threw a kunai with more strength which made a bit louder of a thud than normal. He was right, Naruto was angry, but he knew better than to waste time with them. He threw another kunai at the tree but he did not hear it make contact. At that moment strong wind begun. Naruto turned around to face it. He had to put his arms up in front of his face to protect it because the wind not only was making it difficult to keep the eyes open but also threw random patches of snow at him. 'What's with this? I heard it last night when the weather went crazy, but where did this come from?!' Naruto held his breath, a shiver went down his spine. He could feel something. 'Behind' He circled back around, lowering his arms, still holding a kunai in each hand. The forest was dark. The clouds above in the sky were so dense and grey that they made it seem like it was dusk, which was hours away. Wind was howling though the trees, and to Naruto it looked as if it was pushing him to enter the forest. 'Someone. Is someone there?' Naruto asked in his mind. He could swear that he could feel a presence there. He started walking to it's shadowy depths. He looked around with the wind still pushing him. It looked like the forest was enchanted. 'No wonder mystery writers choose these places.' Konoha is located in a latitude that experiences all the seasons, yet the forest looked like a all year winter forest and the rapidly falling snow wouldn't have it be otherwise. 'WAIT! When did the snow begun?' He couldn't even realise if he was still in the place he had started training. 'Left' It was left he turned.He started running. He sensed something, something that he had to see. He ran for some minutes but did not arive anywhere. He stopped, panting for air Naruto looked around but it was the same in every direction. He held his breath, that feeling started again, now it was on the right. For a secind time he began to sprint as fast as he could. It changed direction again, 'This time it is diagonal on my right.' Right, left, in front or behind were all Naruto could navigate his self with, he couldn't even make out what time of the day it was, let alone where north and south were. Right and left, or forward and then right, 'Behind me!!' Naruto soon lost track of the sense of direction that he was following and now was only making use of what he could feel. 'Someone, I know it is someone I am sensing but WHY?' 'Closer' The confusion, from all the turns he had taken, had him forget completely where he came from or how he was going to get back. His aim right now was to follow his sensory feeling, he just had to, for some reason that was all he cared about. 'Stronger. It is getting stronger. JUST WHO ARE YOU?' His body was numb from the cold and the frosty air keept filling his lungs faster. 'There' He was almost there. Only a couple more meters. 'One more!!' Right then a thing moved in front of him. It was small so he jumped over. He was tired and also when he landed Naruto triped on a root and fell face first on the ground.

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