Chapter eighteen - Shall there be trust?

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"Welcome." Minato greeted with a smile, standing on the ledge of the Hokage Mountain, his face, currently the last in line of the proud Kage of the Fire, was bellow their feet. Yes, their feet. Many pairs of eyes, big, small, blue ,white, 'nd green, 'nd black, brown, pointy, sharp, slim, round, also here and there half a pair. All were observing their leader, who was standing in front of a lake of green. Green not from the grass or leaves but from the many flack jackets of all the different people standing in front of him. The golden haired man sighed with a brief excitement taking note of all the wondering looks in the relatively big crowd. Apart from the small chattering ang laughter, the waters were mostly still, having a break from waving around everyday, waiting for him to speak what announcement, obviously, he was about to convey. Uuhuhu, they weren't expecting this at all. He was getting ready for the change their faces were going to make.

But the tranquility and peace had the smile on his face freze. The hero exhaled a handful of air, his ears went deaf as gentle wind pushed his head to look at the sky. He found himself very light on telling a milestone such as this. Maybe not that much, some of these people.. they still held feelings. He had his own, in the shadows. What would these people think if they knew what power was concealed right in front of their eyes?

"Minato." A low and elder voice brought him down to earth. "Ready?" The friendly old man initiated him to begin. "Now that you are here sir.."

The current Hokage raised his arm walking closer to his people. The chattering stopped. It was not everyday two Hokages stood in front of crowd to say stuff. "As you have already guessed, gathering everyone here so unexpectedly, which I thank you for, there are some announcements about happenings I am thrilled to make you all aware of.

First of all, sooner than usual I'd like to remind about the approach of the chunin exams, and also advise to start preparing and pushing your students as quickly as possible, starting even from today." A lot of confused looks and 'What?s' came from the crowd. "As to why we'll come back to in a minute.

Now as it is well known, there has been over a decade since the last war is over. There were many losses on every side. During this time the nations have been trying to reach out to each other despite grudges and conflicts. There can not be peace if there is no forgiveness, but peace needs us to also not forget. Everyone who is not here today fought for this reason, their sacrifices would only be in vain. Which is why I wanted the people here to be the first to know that the Five Great Nations have finally come to cooperation. There are many agreements and treaties in discussions, and quite a few that are only waiting to be signed." Not so low voices rose with relentlessness, heads turned to whoever was left or right to see if they were hearing the same thing.

"I don't blame any of you for looking concerned. It is only natural after everything everyone has been through."


"Which is the exact reason we need to continue and form these comradenessships." A giant fist heavily 'fell' on the surface of a table painted blue, shaking the whole thing. The hand belonged to a man of such proportions himself. Tall, lean, full of muscles and energy. His eyes small and black, his skin really tanned. His white hair was thrown back reaching the end of his neck and a small goatee grew on his chin. The man wore a long white cloak with sleeves, nothing underneath it. He also wore black pants, above them a golden belt with a boars face engraved on, and standard Kumo sandals. On his forearms he wore huge vambraces, also gold in color. "It is not me who needs to hear these Raikage-dono, we approved together, remember." A shorter and thin man sat behind a circular table on the opposite side of the room with the same shape with almost all the wall replaced by windows, two councilors on each side, while the Raikage sat alone. The view of rocky mountains covered by clouds around them. Said man sat on a large blue chair with the sign for lightning above his head, he was wearing similar clothes to the fire daimyo, but his hat had three lightning figures instead of fire. The man, like a good portion of the lightning inhabitants, had tanned skin too. He had a short beard and moustache, and wore glasses.

Naruto The New EraTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon