Chapter ten-Temptation In The Forest

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He got that feeling again. Like his breathing stopped. It wasn't just him. It was actually there. His heart was pounding hard. He could hear the snow hitting the ground. 'Are those?? Footsteps?!!' Slowly, behind, he turned his head and after that his body. He could see. A silhouette, coming closer from the shadows. He could see eyes looking at him from under the hood of the black cloak. The person entered the circle and stood right in front of Naruto. The two of them, there in the middle of what seemed to have become more than just a snowfall. For the first time an owl was heard and wind picked up. The person looked up at the now forming... "What is your name?" he asked. Naruto just stared at him. His voice wasn't old, the opposite in fact. A teen? "N-Naruto.." "Naruto?" the person asked lowering their vision at the boy. He was quiet again. The blonde stared at the sky. A gasp escaped in Naruto's mind. "Uzumaki"



"Don't worry, I'll help you.


Naruto's mind was blank. All could be read in his expression. "You look shocked." That was an underestimating statement. "You're - that person. From back then. It - It wasn't a dream?" "Aren't we both here?" His confident but friendly manner of speaking calmed Naruto, but the kid still had shreds of shocked breath in his lungs. "Where are we?" He asked the person. "You tell me. You called us here." The answer came as soon as Naruto finished his sentence. "Really? I tried a lot make it happen, again and again, the dream, I couldn't. Yet now that I had ruled it out this happened." "I can hear sorrow in your words maelstrom."

"My name is Naruto." The boy tried to sound intimidating. "Naruto Uzumaki. Who are you?" He just betrayed himself, it was obviously not working. But the other guy didn't look troubled. Naruto could see a small smile under the shadow of his hood. "I know, you have told me."

"I don't remember calling you here. Why would I?" "That it happened there of the places- your middle name must be coincidence." Naruto wasn't getting the point. "It?" The jichuriki wondered. There was only one proper thing it could be referring to. "The faint, that happened after I tried to use chakra?" "You fainted?" The person asked his self. "That it could happen I did think." He brought his hand up, no sleeve that Naruto could see, and touched his chin in a thinking manner. "Anything about you that you can't explain?" A rather specific question it seemed to Naruto. That person knew stuff, and Naruto needed to know them too.

"Yes." 'He does seem smarter than normal. Don't think he will simply tell me things.' "You know my name but I don't know yours. Isn't that bad manner?" "Any guess why you fainted?" "Any hints dropping on why I was so 'eager to find you'?" His smile widened a bit. "Evading a question with another question, cliché but it works, don't you think so?" 'Heh, this guy is good.' " I think you should really tell me why this talk is happening." The person stood silent for a second. "For fun." Naruto was about to speak but again but, "Overestimate", he remembered Kyuubi's advice. 'He isn't trying to keep this questions interview going, I AM!' Naruto's cogs were turning in his head. 'I - I am enjoying this. Damn it.'

"I guess I should tell why you dropped cold." Naruto got all ears. He was finally going to speak. "It was consequence of you putting that dormant chakra in movement. It seems you tried to put it in use without letting it settle down first. Before it completely merged with the rest." "What was that chakra?" The boy asked. "Did you put it there?" One cheek of the unknown person lifted in a teasing manner, he tilted his head a little. "What does that matter?" "I want to know." Naruto said in an ordering tone. "If you.." assumed the cloaked man " a book... about jutsus, would you be mad at yourself?"

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