Chapter 17: Silence

Depuis le début

"Yes sir" said the first guard. The second one just looked at me, then I realised that it was John. But he followed his orders and grabbed me up. They took me out of the room. I screamed back at Adam.

"YOU WILL NEVER GET ANYTHING OUT ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!! I WILL NEVER LISTEN TO YOU!! YOU KNOW NOTHING AND YOU ARE NOTHING!!!" I tried to get out of the guard's arms but I was weak from lack of food, sleep, and just plain energy. "Let go of me!"

Adam laughed and then smirked, "we'll see about that. We'll see about that"


I was led down many staircases and each one seemed darker than the last. Finally, we reached the bottom of what could've been the whole castle and town. It was dark, damp, and very cold. I shivered. I was then taken to a room where there were chains hanging from the ceiling and blood already all over the walls. There were many torture instruments all around the room. There was an Iron chair, Rack, Parrilla, an Iron Maiden, and a whole bunch of random torture devices that were scattered throughout the room. The guards took my wrists and untied me. They chained me to the chains that were hanging down and then yanked me up so that I was dangling in the air.

"You will hang here until Adam arrives which won't be too long," said John

"Can I at least have some water?" I asked him. He hesitated.

Then the other guard said, "No talking!"

After a few minutes, Adam reappeared but dressed in more casual clothes. He snapped his fingers at the guard. "Out. I want to do this alone," and the guards left, slamming the door on their way out. Adam turned to me with a sickening grin, "Now. Are you going to talk or will I get to use one of these lovely tools?" he said while gesturing to the table full of torture devices. I just glared at him. He sighed, "Very well. This will be fun"

He then picked up a whip that had barbed spikes on the end of each string. It already had blood on it. I braced myself for impact as he raised his arm to strike. CRACK! The whip hit my back and I screamed out in agony. It felt like I had just been hit with a strand of fire all down my back. I could feel the barbs getting stuck in my back and then being yanked out. He whipped me two more times before turning back to me. "Now that you know what'll happen to you if you don't talk... would you like to talk?"

I spat at his face, "You think I'll break that easily? Ha! You're sadly mistaken," I said, then screamed after he hit me two more times. I could start to feel the blood run down my spine onto the floor. I'm not going to give in. Not EVER. Come on Anna, you're stronger than this. I could feel some of my skin starting to peel and there were definitely long scratches, for lack of a better word, all over my back now. Adam and I continued the same conversation for at least an hour, but I lost track of time. I looked up to see Adam setting down the whip. "So we're done then? That's nice, so if you could bring me down from here that would be lovely," I managed to get out despite the pain I was in.

"Shut up. I'm nowhere near done with you. GUARDS!!! Get in here!!" He cried out. Two new guards came into the room. "Let's work on your punches, shall we? Every time she won't answer, beat the living shit out of her," the guards looked at me and nodded. They then put two additional chains on my feet so I wouldn't swing too much when they punched me. "What do you know about the children of new?" I just looked back at him and said nothing. He nodded to the guards who then started to beat me up. One hit my face a couple of times the other punched my stomach. Adam raised his hand for them to stop. "Let's try a different question. Where is Ariana?"

I laughed and said, "Didn't I tell you I wouldn't tell you shit?"

The guards beat me once again. This time when they stopped, I had to spit out the blood that had developed in my mouth. Adam spoke, "You might say that now, but you'll talk eventually" The beating lasted a long time. I'm not sure how much time had passed, my head was beginning to feel fuzzy. "TELL ME WHO YOU ARE!?!?!" yelled Adam who was now in my face, annoyed we still haven't gotten anywhere. I just stayed silent. I was too worn out to have a quirky comeback. Adam was pissed. "Get her out of the chains and put her in The Chair!" he yelled at the guards who were worn out from beating me up.

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