Chapter 47: Clones

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Justin's POV

I was on my way to talk to Anna. I had decided that it was finally time to discuss what would happen if Anna and crew decided to return and then still hung out with Justin. It'll be fine. Just some things to clear up I thought as I turned down the corridor. I saw Anna and Patrick walk in from the picnic that they had just had. I walked up to them, "Anna, just the person I was looking for. Mind if I talk to her for a bit Patrick?"

"Of course. I have some paperwork to get done anyway," he turned to Anna and kissed her goodbye before walking off towards his office

She turned to me, "Please tell me you're not here to tell me more bad news about the treaty. I just had a brilliant time with Patrick, please don't ruin my day any further,"

"Haha no. I wanted to talk to you about my clone. You know, the other me back in your home," I gestured for us to take a walk. We started walking down the corridor together. She kept her hands behind her back, something I noticed she did when she knew this was important and needed her full attention.

"Well, I figured we were going to have this conversation at some point. But, I wasn't expecting it now. What changed? Do you know when we're going back or something?" she questioned

"No, I don't know anything about when you're heading back to where you're from. But I've been thinking about it recently and decided that it would be nice to just tell you now before you leave,"

"Ok yeah. I am curious to know what happens to my Justin back home. Will he be swarmed with memories of what happened here? Or...?"

"Well, I'm not entirely sure what will happen right when you get home. But I can tell you what happens afterwards. I can tell you, I mean from my experience, he'll have the memories and if he chooses to he can see them at least I think. Sometimes they'll appear in his head without warning. We can't control when and what's shared with each other. Sometimes things just happen,"

"So he could potentially randomly remember the war we fought in or how I was in a coma? Shit. Wait what have you seen from him?"

I laughed. "I've seen quite a bit. To be honest, I, unfortunately, saw your entire break up with him. But I've also seen some really happy memories of his, like when he travelled to California and all. It's weird 'cause when I see them it's either in my dreams or it's like a flashback. It's kind of hard to explain,"

"Is it like you know that it wasn't you exactly did the event but it felt like you?"

I thought for a moment, "Yeah. I guess that's one way of putting it. I know clones can send messages to each other but it takes a lot of energy and strength to do it. I've never done it nor needed to I guess. I've also heard that on very rare occasions, clones can switch places for a few minutes,"

"Wow. That's actually really interesting. But yeah, I can't think of a reason for you to contact him or for you to have to switch places with him. It's nice to know you could possibly do it in case something were to ever happen. Unlikely but it's nice to know,"

"Yeah. Hopefully, I'll never need to. Anyway, that's all I really had to tell you. Do you have any questions?"

I looked at Anna and I could see the gears turning in her head. It was a few moments of peaceful walking before she asked her first question, "Are you the only clone in all of Narnia or are there others?"

"I know that there are others. I've never met any others but I can tell you that I heard that the group BLACK PINK are clones. Which would make sense be--"

"Wait wait, you're telling me the girls I performed with while I was Adam's slave, who are now a girl band, are the same girls in BLACK PINk back home? Like I could potentially go to one of their concerts and they'd know who I am,"

"Well, I'm not sure they'd fully understand why they know you but yes. I think they would at least recognise you enough to invite you backstage,"

"That's wild. But how do you become a clone or know you are a clone? You seem to fully understand most of what you've told me. But obviously, not everyone is like you,"

I stopped walking and stood by the edge of the balcony that we had reached, "Well I had no idea I was a clone until Ariana told me. You see the royal family has a list of all the clones in existence because there aren't that many of us and we live for however long our clone back on earth lives. So not everyone knows they're a clone. Clones are only told if they live past a hundred years, age the same pace as their clone, or the royal family needs them to know. I was told because I age at the same pace as your Justin and Ariana needed me,"

Anna turned to me in shock, "Wait so how old are you??? I know time is different here just based on what you're saying and reading some of the Narnian history books,"

"You're right that time is different here. But as to how old I am, well let's just say I'm not exactly fifteen which is how old I look,"

She laughed, "Fine keep your secrets. I think I just have one more question,"

"Sure. What is it?"

"Well, you've seen his memories and all. So then why hasn't he mentioned it before? I get maybe it's because he might think people will call him crazy, but why say literally nothing?"

"With your Justin, I think it has to do with him wanting to figure out what's going on. I mean before I knew, I did some research but I also didn't want to tell people I was seeing another life happen to me. It was weird the first few times but I got used to it. I'm sure Justin is probably used to it by now. He definitely will be glad to hear and see this conversation. It should clear a lot up for him. Also, it would not surprise me if he also kept a journal with the memories he sees. I have one and it's really helpful. If he doesn't I'd recommend getting him one,"

It was a minute before Anna spoke again. I think she was processing everything that I had just told her. I'm surprised she doesn't have more questions, I thought to myself as she spoke, "You know, that break up was something I didn't see coming. And I apologize that you had to witness the whole thing. I know you didn't have a choice but it must've been hard to watch. I mean yeah he broke my heart and all but it was bound to happen at some point. There's not much to say about it except that I'm sorry it ruined my friendship with him. Part of me is glad that he did it though. I mean if he hadn't I wouldn't be with Patrick right now or as happy as I am right now," she let out a small chuckle, "Oh imagine if he and I actually were supposed to be end game. It made sense back then but now I only see myself with Patrick. Funny thing, life is, isn't it?"

"Yeah, and I will never fully understand it. I don't think anybody will,"

I turned to face Anna who moved her hair out of her eyes, "I think the reason why I just said that all to you is because part of me wants him to hear this conversation. Then maybe, just maybe we could rekindle our friendship and start over. That would be nice,"

There was sadness within her eyes. Anna rarely showed her true emotions in front of people except for maybe Patrick and Zoran. Even within the memories, I had seen from her Justin, I maybe had seen her let her guard down a handful of times and that was when she was really happy. "I wouldn't lose hope for fixing your friendship. I mean even if he doesn't hear this conversation, why should that stop you from trying to fix things?"

I watched as she closed her eyes to cover up the sadness. When she opened them, she looked as if nothing had happened, "You're right. I miss my best friend that I had with him. And if I don't succeed then I'll be happy that I at least tried," she sighed, "What would I do without you now? I now understand why you happen to be Ari's favourite advisor and the person that I can turn to when I need to talk about things,"

I laughed, "Don't worry your majesty, I'm here for the long run. I'll probably be here even after you and the rest of the crew head back to your home. I'd imagine if you come to Narnia more than once, I'll be here for that too,"

She turned and started to head back inside, "Well I hope that is true. But I don't plan on and hope that I won't be leaving anytime soon," and with that, she walked back inside. I stood out on the balcony for a minute longer. Justin, I hope you heard that all. You might just have a chance to fix things with her. And if you play your cards right, you just might have a shot at being with her again I thought to myself before shaking my head and heading back inside.

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