Chapter 10: Planning

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Jackson's POV

Since I got here at the base camp I can't take my eyes off the princess. I know I don't have a chance with her, but she's so damn pretty and kind I thought to myself as she walked with Duralgias talking about something important. "What are you looking at Jackson?" asked Ray

"Oh. Ah‒ no. No. I mean nothing" I stammer out as I tore my gaze from Ariana

"Oh, sure Jackson. I know we don't know each other too well but I would like to believe that you trust me enough to discuss your girl problems with me." Ray said teasingly and poke my side

"Wha-at? Girl problems? Me? No way. Ah shit... is it that obvious?" I ask giving up and give her 'my I have no idea what to do' face. She laughed.

"Oh, you poor thing. Don't even know the first step to asking out a girl. So cute," teased Ray

"Shut up! For your information, I have asked out girls before. Just not a smokin' hot princess." I said defending myself

"Hahaha, you're funny, Jackson. I like you and yes I'll help you win her. Just start with baby steps. First, go and talk to her, maybe ask her for sword fighting lessons."

"Ok. Baby steps. Got it" I said as Ray walked away "Hey wait!" I called out to her and she turned to face me, "I just wanted to say thank you. You know, for helping me."

"It's no problem, Jackson. We gotta stick together as a family now since we are all in this together." She then looked at Zoran "Well I got to go meet Zoran for lunch because that's the only dates we can have nowadays." Ray said while walking towards the mess hall tent.

"Yeah, a family," I said and then got up. I walked toward my sleeping tent when I walked directly into Princess Ariana. "Oh umm... ah shit. I'm so sorry your highness," I said and reached out my hand to her.

"It's quite alright... Jackson, is it?" she said with such grace in her voice

"Yeah, it is."

"Well you can just call me Ariana," she said as I helped her off the ground.

"But aren't you like some kind of princess or something?" I asked, now confused. Her hand is so soft and she looks even more beautiful close up I think to myself

"I am, yes. But I don't particularly care about formalities."

"Well... ok then Ariana." I say sounding incredibly awkward

"Haha, you're cute. Anyway, aren't you coming?"

"Uhh... I don't know. Am I? And what would I be going to?"

She laughed. "Oh didn't you hear? Anna wants everyone to come to the training field"

"Oh ok then," I offer her my arm "Shall we milady?" She laughed while nodding. We walked together to the training grounds. Then I saw Zoren and Ray sitting together on the fence, Justin leaning against the fence next to them, and Duralgias with his men and Captain Oscar were around the fence too. Anna, on the other hand, was sitting in the middle of the fenced-off area, playing with a stick. (Play song 6)

"Well, I think it's time I showed you all something. I wasn't sure if I was ready to, but I guess now is the best time" said Anna as she stood up and dusted herself off

"Show us what exactly Anna?" I said with mild concern

"You'll see," she said and then turned around and walked toward the other side of the field

"What do you think she's going to do Zoran?" Ray asked without taking her worried eyes off Anna

"Well, you know my sister, full of unexpected surprises like coming back from the dead. So no, I have absolutely no idea what the fuck she's about to do. I just hope it's nothing too stupid" Zoran then crossed his arms and glared at Anna but also looked really worried

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Children of NewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora