Chapter 48: A Cake Tasting

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Ariana's POV

10 Years Later...

It had been ten years since the crowning ceremony and things couldn't be better than ever. The people of Narnia were calling it the Third Golden Age. A lot has happened in the past ten years. First off, Jackson and I got married about seven years ago. It was such a beautiful ceremony and all of Narnia was in attendance, it probably is the happiest day of my life. Ray and Zoran tied the knot a few months later. They wanted a more intimate and private ceremony so only those closest to them were invited. But still, all of Narnia celebrated their happiness in a festival. As for Anna and Patrick, well they've waited the longest. They got engaged shortly after Jackson and I got married. But Anna wanted to wait to get married until she and Patrick were older. Patrick agreed not wanting to rush into anything since at the time they got engaged they had only been dating for three years. Patrick only proposed because of the number of suitors that would come asking for Anna's hand in marriage. Proposing stopped that for the most part, still, a few suitors came to try and steal her away. All failed attempts. They were incredibly happy and getting ready for their wedding that would take place next month. I walked down the hallway to see if I could find Anna. It wasn't long till I found her.

She was in the ballroom looking at colour schemes and flower arrangements. She was in a navy blue high low dress and black heels. Anna still refused to wear traditional outfits unless she absolutely had to. If she would just give the corsets a chance, she might actually like the traditional dress that she owns I thought to myself as I approached her, "Wedding planning I assume,"

"Ugh, yes. I mean how am I supposed to pick an arrangement that looks good, is local, and doesn't upset the florists I turn down? Like why is sending out troops to protect land or drafting up a treaty so much easier than this? Hell stopping the war that almost took place five years ago was easier. And that was a tricky spot to be in. It makes no sense," Anna complained as she went back to looking at flower arrangements

"Who would've thought that planning a wedding would be your downfall," I laughed as I came to sit next to her

"Hey. It's not a downfall unless I end up calling off the thing. I mean is that still an option at this point?"

"Nope. It was yesterday but Justin had the invitations sent out this morning. No turning back now,"

She sighed, "I figured as much. Will you at least help me pick a flower arrangement? I'm late for the cake tasting. But I think I'm in the clear for that because Patrick's budget meeting is running late,"

"Of course, as long as I get to come sample cakes with you. It's the best part of planning a wedding,"

"So I've heard from Ray. She'll also be joining us. But knowing her, she'll bring Zoran, who will then tell Jackson, who will then also join us. So I think everyone will be joining us for cake eating,"

I laughed, "Well I'm not surprised by that at all. Oh, and as for what flowers you should do, I think you should do the blue hydrangea with the yellow tulips and white snowdrops. Then for your bouquet, do white and blue flowers. It'll match your hair and dress,"

"Oh my god, you are an actual genius. Thank you. I'll put in the order for the bouquet after cake testing. Now, let's head down to the kitchens shall we?" she said as she stood up with her planner and notebook.

"I'm following you. This should be fun," I said as we both left the ballroom

Once we arrived at the kitchens, Ray, Zoran, and Jackson were already there. There was also a photographer, head chef, and wedding advisor that had helped plan the other two royal weddings. All that was left was for Patrick to get there. I turned to Anna, "I had forgotten that you and Patrick decided to document some of the wedding planning for the people. It's nice that you did that,"

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