Chapter 30: Anna's Choice

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Anna's POV

The plans for what should be the final battle were set. Now, all we had to do was leave. Yet I was sitting on my bed in my tent just thinking. What am I doing? I'm only 15 and I'm a bloody head general of an army for a princess that I met maybe over a month ago. So what am I doing? Then the voice in my head "Doing what's right, you're doing what you're here to do."

Just then the tent flap open and in walked a maid, "Lady Anna, sorry to disturb you but it's time,"

I stood up and nodded to her, "I'll be out in a second. Just give me a minute to grab my sword. I'll be right there," the maid then bowed and exited the tent. I took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. Well here we go I guess.

The second I walked out of my tent and towards everyone, I saw that people were waiting for me to lead them. I walked straight up to Eliza and mounted her. I looked over the crowd, I saw Jackson and Ariana on their horses together, Ray and Zoran getting their horse ready, Justin on Phillip in front of his troops, and everyone staring at me. I took another breath. Let's do this

"Everybody! Listen up!" I yelled and a hush fell over the crowd. "The messenger we sent to invite Adam to one final battle has returned and Adam has in fact agreed to one final battle!!!" The crowd cheered loudly, "Now all that is left to do is get there and win that battle!!!" I yelled to the troops and everyone cheered and looked ready to go. "NOW WE MOVE OUT!!" the troops roared with approval and headed out.

It had been a few hours since we left and I was riding next to Ariana. "So... what's going on between you and Patrick?"

I laughed, "You know, I could ask you the same thing about you and Jackson. Or should I say Jack ad you like to call him,"

Ariana blushed a deep red and looked ahead at Jackson who just happened to be riding next to Patrick. "I suppose we could do what we did when you first got here... a question for an answer and vice versa?"

"Sure. I'll go first. So what exactly is happening between you and Jackson?"

"Hmm. Well, to be honest, I'm not exactly sure. I really really like him and he's been there for me when I needed someone. When you weren't here, I would go to him and basically just rant," then she laughed, "and he would sit there and listen to every word I have to say,"

"That's Jackson for you. I don't know how many times he would listen to me rant about my ex but he did. He also gives the best advice,"

"That is very true. There's just one problem,"

"Oh? And what might that be?"

"I'm a princess and soon to be ruler of Narnia. I don't know how I can fit romance into that equation. Let alone if he is even interested in pursuing me at all,"

"Oh he's interested in you alright. I'm pretty sure he has been since he met you,"


"Oh god yeah. When he first met you he was like a deer caught in headlights. It was quite funny to watch,"

Ariana laughed, "Well, maybe there is a bit of hope then. But, now missy it's your turn... What is going on between you and Patrick? And don't say 'nothing' because I keep seeing the glances you all are making at each other,"

"I never have been discrete. I honestly don't know. I like him... A LOT. I have for about a year now. And when we got here, we actually started talking and getting to know each other a lot better,"

"So what's the problem? It's not like you're a ruler or princess with expectations,"

I sighed, "It's Edmund,"

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