Chapter 20: The Return of the Kings (and Queens)

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Ariana's POV

It had been at least a whole month since Anna's capture and everyone was still on edge. Zoran had thrown himself into training, Ray had taken to making sure everyone was ok, basically a lending ear, Justin and Patrick were mad at each other but had cooled down enough to be civil, and Jackson was my rock. He was there whenever I needed him.

We were beginning to think that letting Anna stay at the castle was a terrible idea and something needed to be done. So, Duralgias and I had begun to form a rescue plan. But we hadn't told anyone else yet in fear of them acting irrationally and recklessly. Duralgias came into my tent where I was writing in my journal. "Your highness," he said as he bowed

"Good morning General. How can I help you?"

"Well, I was hoping we could go over the plan one more time before we gather everyone to tell them. I just want to be 100% sure that we have everything covered and know what's going on,"

"That's an excellent idea. Why don't we head to the conference tent? It's a little tight in my tent and all the plans are in there anyway,"

He nodded and we left my tent together. We walked for a little bit before Duralgias spoke, "Your grace, I was wondering if I could ask you a question?"

"Isn't that a question?" I laugh then nodded at him to proceed

"I was wondering if you still think your decision to not go after Anna, was the right call?"

I sighed and walked with my hands folded in front of me, "I'm not sure anymore. When I made the decision I figured that Anna would have gotten out by now, but she hasn't and now I'm worried. I stand by my choice but I regret it as well. It's funny, Jackson and I had a very similar conversation yesterday. And I'll tell you what I told him, being a princess and leading your people is a hard job and I'm going to make mistakes along the way. And if this is a mistake then, I'm going to do everything in my power to fix it"

"I see. So Jackson knows then?"

I nodded and we had reached the tent. Once inside I began to look over then map and plan one more time before turning to Duralgias, "Duralgias, could you go grab the others? It's time"

By the time Duralgias had gotten back, everyone was in the tent seated around the table. "Well now that you're all here, I have an announcement" I paused and subconsciously looked at Jackson for reassurance, he in turn gave me a thumbs up, "For the past few weeks, Duralgias and I have been coming up with a plan to rescue Anna. We finished the plan and would like to share it with you,"

Zoran angrily stood up and said, "You've been planning for weeks and didn't tell anyone?!?!"

"Zoran, calm down and let Princess Ariana explain herself"

He huffed but sat back down. "Now, as I was saying, we have a plan to get her--" a soldier from the front gate came running into the tent

"Pardon the intrusion your majesty, but there's commotion and some visitors at the front gate"

"Visitors? What visitors?"

"Umm we aren't exactly sure. They said that we wouldn't know them but you would. They also brought a lion?"

"They did what? Nevermind," I turned to the group, "Excuse me. I must deal with this first. Duralgias please come with me"

We hurried out of the tent toward the gates, "My lady, what is it? Why are you prioritising this?"

"Well, if it's who I think it is then we desperately need their help. But it's also almost impossible. We'll just have to go see for ourselves then,"

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