Author's Note

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Oh my goodness guys... WE DID IT!!! I'm so happy and excited that I finished an entire book! Book one is officially complete!!! My mind is blown and this is only the first book out of a six-book series that's planned in my head. Crazy? Yeah, I know but I'm doing it anyway. I would first like to thank everyone that's supported me and this story. I have seen and appreciated every single 'Vote' and 'Comments' that this story has ever gotten. I truly mean that. It meant the world to me and encouraged me to keep writing. So... THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!!

Second, I did start this book in 2018 back when I was still in high school. I am now a sophomore in college. So that means that the first eight or nine chapters are not my best writing. I have grown so much as a writer since 2018. I plan on, in the upcoming weeks, rewriting those chapters entirely (the plot won't change)!!! They will be posted before book two starts to come out (If you are reading this after January 2021, you read the updated chapters).

Finally, since I am rewriting chapters, book two will not start coming out for a little bit. I will be taking a short break. I may or may not post the cover, playlist, and/or cast of book two early...Ok enough of my rambling. Thank you so much again for all the support and see you all in a bit!!

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