Chapter 32: The War to End All Wars

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Ariana's POV

By the dawn of the second day, since we arrived, there was a misty feeling going around. I got dressed in my battle armour and walked out of my tent. The army was already gearing up to head out. I walked over to where Jackson was eating an apple, "Morning Princess,"

"Good morning Jack. How are you?"

"Ready to get this battle over with. How about you? How are you feeling about today?"

"Well, I'm a bit nervous if I'm honest. We're going to total war with my brother. So I can't help but be nervous. He didn't use to be like this. I don't know what happened to him but if this is the only way to fix this war, then so be it,"

Jackson stared at me, "I admire your courage. If there's anything I can do to help--"

He was cut off by Anna stepping out of her tent and everyone around us falling silent. We made our way to the front of the crowd, and I left Jackson to go and stand next to Anna. She was wearing black leather armour, with a high low coat, and a blood-red one-shoulder cape. On her face was war paint and she looked ready to fight. "Now, today, we go into battle against an enemy that has terrorised this land for far too long! I know that some of you are scared and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. Myself and the other Children of New arrived here a month ago, and now we're about to go into battle once again. It's vital that our fear does not take hold of us, and because we are strong! We are better than Adam and his men! WE can win this fight and end this war once and for all!!! LET'S DO THIS!!! FOR ASLAN!!!" The army erupted with cheers as we started to head down to the battlefield.

Once we got to the field, we stood in single file lines in a block formation. Anna was at the centre of the army. I quickly rode up. "I want you staying with Jackson at all times. Yeah, he might take you out of the battle this time, but he will keep you safe. I think he would even give his life for you,"

"Yes, of course, I'll stay with him. We'll protect each other. But that's not why I came up to you,"

"Oh? What can I do for you?" she said while still looking straight ahead to where Adam's army was supposed to be coming from.

"Are you sure this plan is going to work? I mean what if they don't do a Wedge Formation? Then what?"

"Well, I'm 93.6% sure they will. Adam's horsemen would not shut up about it. While they were cleaning the blood off of the floor or while they were carrying me around. During my time there, I overheard a lot of things. I only shared the most important. But they believe classical tactics are the way to go. Which is why we're going to surprise them as we go into the counter formation for a Wedge Formation,"

"Alright. You sound very confident,"

"I'm just ready to kick his ass. Now head on back to your post. They should be here soon," I nodded and rode back over to where Jackson was.

No sooner had I gotten back to my post that the sounds of horns were heard. I looked up and saw Adam's army. It was like a sea of black and silver. He had foot soldiers and a calvary. We were evenly set up. They came to their spot and stood there. Both armies were there but no one was moving. Then Adam made a hand motion and horns sounded. They started charging at us full speed. But they were in a Wedge Formation. I looked over and saw Anna smirk. She gave us the go-to march forward. We slowly walked toward the oncoming army. They kept coming and were getting closer and closer. Then we stopped marching, "NOWWWW!" shouted Anna as the army was almost to us. Everyone did exactly as discussed and got into a concave line to block the Wedge Formation. The faces of those leading the battalions were priceless. It was a mix of confusion and shock. But one thing was for sure, we now had the advantage.

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