Cooler People

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"Not even one?", Neiva asked, annoying me as I drove.

"NO", I replied. "They're too old for me, let alone you", I added.

"You're too old already. You're like Klaus old", she said.

"I am taking that as a compliment", I told her, making a right turn.

She was asking me if I can set her up with one of Darshan's quote: hot friends.

"By the way, do you think I can finally do it?", she asked, cheerfully.

"Do what?", I made a left turn, entering into CP main block.

"Like, have sex", she said.

"No", I said, instantly.

"But you--", I cut her, "--but I didn't had sex at your age and when I'd it, I'll tell you to have it", I said.

"C'mon, we'll book an Oyo room", she said.

"I don't think you should be having sex with someone who ask nudes from you--", she intervened, "--I didn't give nudes. I asked him to fuck off, with the bottom of my heart, in hell", Neiva said and I chortled.

"Booking an Oyo room is precisely why you're not mature enough to have sex", I told her.

"Ugh", she grunted.

"When will we reach?", she asked me, annoyed.

"We're almost there. Why the fuck is DU so confusing?", I rolled my eyes.

"It isn't, it's just too much load on your one braincell", she said.

"Not funny", I said.

"It was meant to offend you, I think it did it's job right", she sarcastically exclaimed and I chose to ignore it.

We passed Kamla Nehru college, there, there's Gargi college.

I parked aside, and damn, the whole place was crowded with women. Like really hot women. South Delhi women, fuck they're hot and I'm in a Kurti. I'm having so much of complex right now. I hate Darshan.

"Woah, dude. Glad I decided not to wear a kurti", Nivi commented and I sighed in disappointment.

"I'll ring Vishal. I don't think we'll get an entry from there", I looked at the front gate, filled with people.

Taking out my phone I dialled Vishal and the phone rung until the speaker said he's not answering. Well, I can see that. Next, I called Darshan and he wasnt answering either.

Did I just get dumped or what?

"Solid KLPD", Nivi said yet another thing not needed to be said.

I dialled Hardik and he didn't answered either. Well, why would he answer of all people?

I only had Nitish's phone number and I dialled him. God, He picked in five rings.

"Nitish", I exclaimed.

"Tara", he said.

"Well, ask Vishal to get me in. He's not answering his phone", I said.

"Oh, well, we all keep our phones on silent while there's a show so", he explained.

"Just send Vishal Nitish yaar", I said.

"I will, give me a minute", he hung up.

We waited while observing people, taking their chances and going in with IDs and passes. While some of them stood and chatted. I'm always conscious in south delhi to be honest.

Breathing Blues Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang