Mistakes Maybe?

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I penned the point, highlighting them with a green neon shade highlighter. I analyzed the page once again before closing this book shut and opening my register.

"You know how it is said I was never a morning person", I heard Darshan speak and a smile slipped my lips but I continued to write. "Turns out, I'm not an afternoon person either", he added and I chuckled.

Things has been awesome and I was wondering why?

I was in the most less complicated state of my life. I was in a casual thing with the person I wanted to be and this no commitment thingy is wonders good. I don't have to care about anything and there's no feeling in my head lingering.

I was on the verge of garduating and I'd a list ready for things to do and the last week I consulted every professer in college for what should I do next in my career so I'm analyzing that as well.

Family has been supportive lately which is weird but now as I think about it, I think something is going to terribly shift, puff.

"How did you sleep Raval?", I asked him, still writing in my notebook.

"I slept like I was unconscious", he replied and I tilted my head to glance over at him, he still had his eyes closed as he rested his neck on the sofa side pillar, his head facing the ceiling.

I felt bad for him, genuinely I did. I know like I cursed my life 999 times a day but even though I don't have everything I want, I can't buy anything that I want I'm still so far better than him. I don't have nasty, old shit managers telling me how should I carry myself, how should I smile, talk, move, sit.

There, he was, with all the load of the world on his shoulder.


"Good for you", I said and I don't think he heard.

Darshan and I met barely because he had a tied schedule like always. The time he got, he needed to rest and well thus we always hungout at my place because his place was always crowded. Let's be realistic I didn't needed a flat, small flat for myself either.

"By the way, what are we doing?", he asked, sleepily.

"Wasting our lives", I yanwed, turning the pages from the textbook rapidly.

"I meant for lunch Vaid", he said, I could feel his smile the way he let it out.

"What do you want to eat? I'll make it", I turned to look at him.

"Um, I'd say Maggi but then I know how much you consume it so no, not that! Then I'm thinking about Rajma but Rajma needs to be soaked overnight, then I'm thinking about sandwiches but that's not lunch exactly. Let's just go out!", he opened his eyes.

"You couldn't come to the point directly?", I rolled my eyes.

"It's so hot, I hate this day. Why don't your hall has an ac", Darshan scoffed.

"Because I'm not Ambani's daughter. Thank god, I've an ac at all", I got up taking a last look at my notebook before shutting it close. "How's your back?", I asked.

"I'm going to fuck Sagar for this", he snorted. "Dickhead couldn't care of his wires, I can still feel myself falling all over again", he got up too.

"Stop complaining Raval", I said.

"Si, mi cielo", Darshan hugged me from the back and I chuckled.


"Why do you dress like this?", Darshan asked. "Like, why this?", he added.

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