Chapter 3

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We've been driving for about 3 hours straight now. My back has been aching to stretch. I normally enjoy car rides, but when your brother is snoring right beside you, it makes it difficult to enjoy. I move my body forward to see Ethan with his eyes closed bobbing his head to the music coming out of his earphones. I turn my body around to face Jeremy who is trying to read a book.

"What are you reading?" He looks up and shows me the back cover that reads, The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I love that movie so much that every time I watch it makes me cry. My favorite line is, "We accept the love we think we deserve". I think that line is so captivating.

Love has many different meanings. The meaning that stands out to me most is: love is an existing bound that lives between two souls that carry them through hardship and passion. It's unbelievable that such a word exists. Doesn't it ever make you wonder where love came from? I think about it all the time. Love can be so powerful that at times it can either break a soul or mend one. I feel that sometimes people forget why love is so important. I don't think research can solve love nor can it fix it. It all depends on how we use it, whether for good or evil. Love is respect for yourself because when you love, the first thing you look at is if you love yourself. Why do we need to love ourselves? We need to because that's where we live. We live in this body until it's time for us to part out separate ways. We love from within because we rely on us. We depend on our body. It's our shelter from the world. We got to love the person we are. How can we love someone else if we can't learn to love us?

I believe that's the reason why I haven't found someone yet. I'm still trying to love myself. I haven't found my way. I can't imagine showing affection to a person I'll someday love, if I can't show a similar affection to myself. I don't know how many times I have to say this, but love yourself. You are so important. We are all important.

"Hey, are you okay?" I didn't realize I had my head outside the window looking at the passing scenery. I look to Jeremy to see he's no longer reading. "I'm okay. I'm just trying to enjoy this car ride." I smile at him. "Okay then." He turns his head to the left to look out the window. I decide to put my earphones on to block out snoring Spence. I continue to just look around outside and at my family. My parents have their hands intertwined with each other. Every few often my mom takes few glances at my dad and he smiles back at her. That's love. When you can look at someone and feel entirely complete.

Their happiness radiates off one another and it's like I can feel it too. Who cares right? It doesn't matter what anyone says. We live in our own separate bubbles and when someone doesn't like what you're doing, they want to go and pop it. Be kind. Show kindness. My parents are happy and other people are happy too; why must one try to ruin it? Let us laugh at weird shit. Let us make crazy decisions. I guess that's why I have trouble making decisions. I get so caught up on what others might think that I'm afraid to speak out. I can be tough on the outside, but on the inside I'm easily broken.

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