Chapter 1

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My alarm blares off at exactly 6 A.M. indicating another day of the living. The yellow sunrise is already peaking in through my curtains making me anxious for today. Today is the day I'm leaving off to college. I lay in bed for another five minutes as I watch both my dogs still peacefully sleeping. Wow, I'm going to miss them. After my five minutes are up, I open my curtains and see the sun already peering over the hill saying hi to me.

I look around my room and examine how lonely it feels with boxes already stacking up against the corners of my walls. It's insane how much time has passed since I graduated. It feels like yesterday as I said good-bye to high school and to never look back at it again. It wasn't long ago when I turned 18 and now being an adult is a whole new world for me. The big one-eight is so weird to me because now it's our responsibility to take care of ourselves without our parents hovering over our backs watching what we do. I kept admiring my room and how I spent the 4 years of high school living in this exact space. I laugh at the time when all my brothers were in my room watching a movie. My two brothers and I decided to prank the youngest because he just got his wisdom teeth pulled out. We pranked him by saying there were zombies outside our house. We played a fake radio announcement that said to stay inside and lock all doors. He got fooled so easily that tears started pouring out his eyes. We then got in big trouble for making our brother cry, but the prank was so fun to do. My brother is terrified of any scary thing, which is what made the prank even better. I'm not going to lie. I'm also afraid of watching any terrifying movies alone, but I feel safer when I'm with someone.

"Hey, you up?" I look to my right and see me oldest brother, Jeremy, standing by the door already dressed out of his pajamas.

"Yes. I'm just taking last few glances of my room." I shake my head and smile. I may have showed him a smile, but I'm honestly sad to be leaving my family. I know I'll be coming back for breaks, but I never actually stayed away from them for too long. The drive to Santa Barbara is close to six hours and if I were to take a plane it will be about an hour and a half flight. My family decided to drive me to be able to spend time with me a little longer, which is why we are leaving a day early from my move-in date.

"Vi, you okay? I know you're anxious about heading to college, but you should be proud of yourself for wanting a good future." He walks up to me giving me a warm squeeze and a kiss in the forehead. He whispers, "You're going to do amazing things. You just watch." I squish me face into his chest and exasperate a sigh because I know I should just wait and watch the great things I'll do.

"Does this call for group hug!? Mom. Dad. Ethan. Come!" My brother runs into my room and embraces me from behind and squishes his face in-between mines and J, or as I sometimes like to call him. My parents enter my room with Ethan following behind them.

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