Life goes on (in Devildom) 2

Start from the beginning

"I really gotta run now." She took her heels from under the table and put them on. "Thanks for the coffee. See you later."

"Lhori, wait." She looked at him questioningly. He came up to her with a smirk. "Your makeup is all over your face." Before she could protest, he took her chin in one hand and gently rubbed her skin under her eyes and on her cheeks with a thumb of the other hand. She shivered a little under his touch and closed her eyes. But it only took him a moment and he withdrew his hands. "Now, all better," he said with a small smile.

"Uhm... thanks," she mumbled. "I'd better run now. See you later!" She said hastily and left without looking back, still feeling his gentle touch on her face, her heart hammering.


To her surprise, she was still the first one in the office. She managed to make them both coffee and already started on her to-do list. Then the door opened, and she heard a burst of beautiful laughter. She looked up surprised. The mesmerizing blonde angel glided into the office followed by Lucifer.

"I forgot how funny you are, Luci"' she chirped ignoring Lhori totally. The woman noticed the Demon's polite smile twitched when he heard the nickname, but he kept his composure.

"It's been a while," he replied. "I apologize, the office is so small, but it's enough for just two of us."

"Two?" she asked tilting her head and finally looked around and spotted Lhori. "Oh! Is she your secretary?" Lhori raised her brows and looked at Lucifer with astonishment. He grunted.

"No, this is Lhori, our human ambassador. Lhori, this is Ariel, she will be in charge of celestial realm students."

"Oh, this is she?" the angel asked surprised looking from Lucifer to Lhori, like she was waiting for someone to say it's a joke. Then she finally blurted. "But she looks so... plain..."

"Sorry to disappoint you," Lhori said. "I was at the party you know; I believe we have been introduced already."

"Oh were you? I'm sincerely sorry, I must have not noticed you. It was probably because I was completely taken off guard by meeting Lucifer again!" This time Lucifer did not manage to hide his cringe. But the angel lady didn't seem to be bothered by it. He shot Lhori an apologetic look. She only shook her head with pity and get back to what she was doing. "Ok, let's get to work, shall we?" said Lucifer and gestured toward his desk.

Ariel's voice, so beautiful when first heard, became annoying very fast. She kept being over-enthusiastic and dramatic, giggling with fake laughter every time Lucifer said something. He kept glancing at Lhori with a silent plea for help. She only smiled at him and ostentatiously put on her headphones and turned on music in full volume.

"Are you ok?" she asked Luciferlater in the afternoon when she was packing her things. Ariel left just a couple of minutes ago and the demon was half lying with his forehead on his desk not moving.

"No," he mumbled. "If she hasn't left when she did, I think my head would explode." He got up and massaged his temples with a heavy sigh. "I can't imagine working with her every day."

"Well, tough luck," she said. "Shame you can't delegate it on your secretary." She took her bag and moved to the door.

"Lhori?" he asked and before she knew it he was already standing at the door blocking her way. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

"You didn't let this airhead's words get to you, did you?" he asked looking at her with concern.

Out Of The Ashes  (MC x Lucifer) ✓Where stories live. Discover now