10 :: raspberry red

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"That doesn't make sense," Lisa voice out, her finger pressing into the skin by her jaw as she thinks, "That shouldn't make sense."

You look at Lisa curiously. She continues, "Since Brittany is seventeen, the kids around here must have been in sophomore or junior year, right?"

"Right," you drag, acknowledging the probability.

"And if the killer is someone around his 20s as you said, Y/N, there's no way he could have got close to the fire without the kids noticing him."

"They could have been drunk," Taehyung suggests. "You know how drunk high schoolers can get."

"They'd still notice someone that old."

Taehyung looks around for a possible spot, "I'll admit, Lis," He turns to look at her and smiles, "That's an intriguing notion, but we are interested in cold, hard facts. Nothing else. Leave the speculations to the detectives. That's their job. We need to stick to gathering the evidence." He looks at you, judging your actions and you frown. 

Lisa is visibly upset and you give her a look to reassure that she's fine and that she is doing great. She mumbles, "That means collecting these red plastic cups and beer bottles and swabbing them for DNA, huh?"

"Hey, even if one of the DNA is a match, it will be a lead," Taehyung says. "Don't sound so glum. That disappoints me."

"Oh," she says. You narrow your eyes at Taehyung for what he says but drops it instead of picking a fight with him. You follow Lisa to the far corner of the given spot and she picks up red bottles, mumbling to herself. You help her out, chucking plastic cups into the bag.

"It's kind of sad, Y/N," she voices and you stop in your tracks to look at her. "One minute she was on call with her parents lying to them and the next minute she is dead?" 

"It's sad," you agree, throwing another paper cup into the bag.

"Wait!" Lisa yelps, throwing the bag on the ground and clasping her hands together. You stop in your tracks and watch her. "If she called her parents and her parents didn't know that she was lying, it meant that her parents couldn't hear the party."

You understand where she's going with this, smiling at the minute but important observation Lisa just made. You extend her intuition by adding, "Which definitely means she walked away from the party and the bonfire."

Lisa looks around frantically. About thirty feet away from the burnt remains of the bonfire, by the base of the cliff at one end of the beach, you and Lisa see a thick cluster of bushes.

"I think you have your answer, Lisa."

"Yes! That's where I'd sneak off to if my parents called me when I'm at a party. Not that I've ever been to one but you get my point," she babbles and you laugh, muttering, "Let's go."

"Should we tell Taehyung?" Lisa asks, her voice barely audible.

"Let's go search your speculation first and then inform him," you suggest, taking hold of her wrist and dragging her with you. "After all, he did tell that detectives are supposed to speculate and you're with an FBI agent, you can play Jungkook's role momentarily. I doubt he'd mind."

Lisa glances back for a minute and finds Taehyung busy by the bonfire, sifting through litter and so she eagerly agrees to follow you. She seems a lot more excited than you as she pushes past branches to search. There are the usual footprints, and marks and cigar rolls thrown. However, it is the scrap of a girl's clothing that catches his eyes before yours.

Her glove covered hands reach out to hold it and she squeals, "There's blood. Oh, there is blood."

"Good job," you smile, folding your hands as you watch Lisa squeal over her discovery. She asks, "Can I call Taehyung now?"

You nod and Lisa screams over for Taehyung to come, "Taehyung! Come here now! I found something."

Taehyung rushes over, pushing through branches to reach the spot you and Lisa stand over. "What is it?"

"Look what I found," she shows the now bagged evidence of the blood stained cloth. "She was kidnapped from here, Taehyung. From right here." Lisa's hands fly everywhere and when they stop, they point directly at a small vial. You bend down and pick up the small glass cylinder.

"It's a vial. This must be from the drugs the Maskmaker used."

Taehyung's eyes widen, coughing to the side and he gets closer to Lisa. He rubs his head gently, telling, "This is," he coughs, his eyes glancing everywhere else besides Lisa. "This is excellent work."

"You mean that?" Lisa's beet red now and you wink at her, mouthing, "Good work." Though she wonders what you are congratulating her for.

"Now let's get this down to the lab at once," Taehyung takes the bagged evidence from your hands. "We need to know what was in the vial and where it came from."

Taehyung walks ahead and Lisa follows him, taking big steps to keep up with him, leaving you behind. You smile at the two of them before whipping out your phone and checking your messages.

Jungkook: Is it going well down there? I did the paperworks almost and it's boring. Come entertain me. Please. [11:30 AM]

Jungkook: Did you get a lead? Are you investigated without me? [11:30 AM]

Jungkook: I'm getting a serious case of FOMOW. [11:31 AM]

You: What even is that? [11:46 AM]

Jungkook: You don't know what FOMOW is? Fear of Missing Out On Work. [11:46 AM]

You: Oh. [11:46 AM]

You turn your phone off and rush to Jungkook's car, taking the keys out of your pocket. You thank the Crime Unit as you walk past them to the car. Pulling open the door, you throw the phone on the seat next to driver's and start the car on ignition.

Your phone beeps.

Jungkook: Are you ignoring me? [11:55 AM]

Jungkook: You are. [11:56 AM]

You: Oh shut up. I'm coming to the precinct. Stop being so clingy. [11:58 AM]

Jungkook: It's a character trait, ouch. [11:58 AM]

Jungkook: Bring lemon tarts. Thanks. Ily. [12:05 AM]

Your eyes linger on the Ily for a bit too long and you guess that you will plead guilty for what you feel for Jungkook, be it affection or not.

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