"All of them think they're the one doing what is right," she replied. "My parents, they always told me that family comes first no matter what. But they are the ones who broke that family trust first. Then their parents did. It's just all so ironic."

Jerome knew she needed time to process this, but he also knew that they should get out of the restaurant as soon as possible. They had swept the area and arrested all the hidden bodyguards the White had, but you never know who else might be lurking.

"C'mon, we got to go," Jerome's sense of responsibility won and he directed Candice to the car he left here earlier in the day. He quickly took off the body armor and stowed them in the trunk before starting the drive to their operation base here. Candice's request for being their informant had come with a fair few requests, but it was protocol that had him driving her there separately since all the others went in the same vehicle.

He could only imagine the kind of chaos it would be in the transport van, let alone if Candice were also in there.The made it back to the safe house with no incident and Jerome led Candice to one of their holding rooms for debriefing. He was her handler for the case and knew most of the details, but protocols are protocols.

"We just need you to go over everything that happened today. The information on the thumb drive checked out. But if you have any new evidence or incriminating information, we'd love to have them, too,"

Candice took a deep breath, her body shaking slightly as she started from this morning.

—— 12 hours ago ——

She was up at dawn and had packed everything she needed into two massive suitcases. That was the easy part. After all, she did have practice. Now she was restless and prowling through the entire flat, searching for anything that she missed and paranoid about hidden cameras. She had rented this flat in Merida on her own but who knew if her pseudo-grandparents had bugged this place or not.

Today was the day. The day that she'd bring Viviene and Howard White to justice. Carlos, too. Candice plopped down on the floor, suddenly exhausted. It was the right thing to do, she knew that. Justice. To her this was justice, but to them, they were bringing justice to Richard and Lynette. The White family was messed up and that was why she needed to get away from them.The shrill ring of the doorbell got her back on her feet. She all but ran to the door and checked at the peephole to make sure it was Detective Wallace. She opened the door and smiled at him.

"Delivery for Miss Candice White," he said, holding a parcel. Candice tilted her head at him in lieu of asking what was going on. He was here to pick up her suitcases, not to give her something. The detective held out a small box and on it was a note.

Intercepted the package downstairs. Remember our code word and see you tonight.Candice smiled and nodded. She grabbed the box and flung it to the sofa. It could be the dress she ordered for tonight, a last gift for herself. She was starting to think it was lost. She towed her suitcases out and Detective Wallace's face froze.

She knew it looked excessive, but her jewelry, clothes, and shoes are her prized possession. If she was going to start a new life, she needed to do this fashionably or at least with money.

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