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A rainy Sunday morning, a cup of hot coffee in hand, my phone with a depressing message on the other. Today as I made my coffee to start my day fresh from last night. I received a text from my girlfriend saying... 

'It's over'

Well, what a good start to the day, am I right? 

This just makes me want to go back to sleep, but hey! I got a ton of workload to face... so no rests for now, no sulking in a corner Jett. Suck it up and face people with a smile, that's what I do best. "I can deal with this, yeah? she's just the girl I love for about what, almost four years? four fucking years. I still love her with all my heart." 

Come on Jett! You can do this.

'I Love You'

What do I say? all I can think of is tell her I love her...

I can't think straight! This is messing me up. I need to get to work before I get even more depressed from every damn thing. 

After coffee I head straight to the bathroom for a hot shower, maybe- just maybe a hot shower will help me deal with things, clear my mind, relax my body, and bring me even just an ounce of peace today...

After a hot shower I got some fresh clothes out off of the racks and wore it. Plain black shirt, jeans, black hoodie, and some ol' Vans. Simple outfit but presentable enough for my boss. If I do the job right then he won't complain about my shit. Ah, my ID I almost forgot just like yesterday. 

Oh yeah, A work on Sunday, it's only this Sunday since I asked to work today- some bills need paying. You know how life works right? 

After packing the stuff I need, my laptop, the charger, my phone in my pocket with my wallet, a pencil case, a note pad, and a water bottle. Got to stay hydrated kids. Don't be like me, getting more dehydrated with alcohol. Some expensive liquor not even helping me in life- oh wait, it does help. It makes me forget how shitty my life is for a while, and after that? back to reality with a nasty hangover. 

Just don't be like me.

Well then, time to head off!

I got out of the house after grabbing my keys from a small coaster chilling on top of a drawer next to the door. My mother wanted me to be more organized- even though I already am. It's nice having your parents still care for you even though you're old enough to deal with your own heavy ass. I like it, and I love them so much.

I'm gonna be late!

I sighed as I pulled the main door close and locked it, shoved my keys in my pocket and walked down the path to my car just parked to the side behind my neighbor's car. I glanced to my side to see that my lovely neighbor is out playing with his dog, since the rain stopped. 

"Hey there Jett!" He greets as he stood up and waves over to me from behind his fence. Ah yes, he's got a fence and I don't. Why? because I wanna feel free and not trapped. It's unsafe? yeah probably, but who cares? I know I don't.

"Morning Garr." I greet back as well as wave, "Oh come on Jett! don't call me that." He says as he laughs lowering his hand down to pet his dog.

"It sounds good though Garr! Garry is just boring bro' you gotta agree." I teased even more, chuckling a bit he responds. "Yeah yeah, you do you Jett, I got to go get the car ready." He says with a smile. 

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