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Eyes slowly opening, registering a dark room, different ceiling. Where am I?

Heavy feeling, warm temperature... obviously not my room.

I looked down to see a sleeping angel. "Riles?" My voice was hoarse. What the hell happened?

I stroked her back gently, breathing slowly to not disturb her. Last night... midnight. We were at the cliff. I- We said 'I love you' to each other, we... 

My throat felt dry.

I looked around and saw an unfamiliar room.

It was a mess, few bottles everywhere, the smell of alcohol scented the room, a few clothes tossed around, laid in different places of the room. The door was agape a faint light coming in, it was silent. No noise whatsoever. Unusual to my place, it had some kind of noise no matter what...

My eyes widened.

Rileen's apartment. I remember now!

« «

"I'm sorry... if that was sudden." My voice cracked, she looked at me then giggled. I backed away as she wiped her tears from her cheeks, she faced the sky. Us leaning back on the railings, I sighed.

We both received a text, mine as from Jeanette and hers was from Eliaz.

"Hey..." She murmured. I hummed. "You never told me anything about your problems." She then stated, "Financial problems? work problems? what do you want to know?" I asked and chuckled. She scooted closer to me, bumping shoulders. I looked to my side and saw her looking at me.

"Your past relationship, silly." She smiled, eyes closed she tilted her head up to the sky.

I did the same.

The sky was full of stars tonight... it was as if they knew we were here to see them.

"It was... great for a while," I started, breathing in before I continued. "I met her in college, we weren't in the same school, I just happened to bump into her in a coffee shop." 

She hums.

"I uhm..." I was trying to think of how to tell the story, but I got all nervous... even more anxious than I already was. I was stupid for not seeing who Jeanette really was. For some reason she still-

"She stuck with me for almost four years, I thought I changed her... but I really didn't." My voice was slowly fading. Words were flying away, I was finally at my limit. "Changed her?" She asked, "She dated a lot of guys, not enough fingers to count..." I explained.

A hard swallow came.

Forcing it down I felt like I swallowed my tough act with it. "She's a player, yet she stuck with you for years, why?" She was confused as I am.

I never questioned why, I was even thankful that she loved me... or did she really?

I was thankful that she stuck with a person like me when she could've gotten a better guy for her tastes. I was always out of her league, I wasn't one to buy her things, but she didn't mind. I wasn't one to be aggressive towards others, yet she was fine. I was protective of her in other ways, but she didn't complain.

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