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Hannah stares off into space, pondering on what Kylo Ren had just said not moments ago about her best friend.

"She's very strong-willed, very loyal. No matter. I sense something in her. An underlying anger, boiling under her skin, just waiting to bubble to the surface. She is strong with the force. I can feel it. With a little push in the right direction, she could be very useful."

"Marisa would never help you! She's far too smart and kind-hearted to ever join the dark side!"

"I guess we'll see. Won't we?"

Hannah's brows are furrowed, eyes misty with worry. She remembered how cruel and ruthless Kylo Ren had been at first, he ordered the murder of all those innocent villagers without even batting an eye. He somehow knew exactly how to push her over the edge and make her angry. She couldn't stand the thought of something bad happening to the person who was like a sister to her. If Marisa was force-sensitive, then Kylo Ren would be doing anything and everything in his power to bring out her anger to use the dark side. And he had proved to be quite skilled in that department already. She had no Jedi training, all she knew is what she'd seen from the movies, if he trained her with the dark side of the force, it could dampen her ability to learn the light. Because she never really knew it in the first place.

But what frightened her the most was how he was going to try and get her to turn to the dark side. As much as she didn't want to think about it, she couldn't help it. Her best friend was in danger, and she was sitting here strapped to a table. She couldn't do anything. The only thing she could do was stay optimistic that she would prevail and refuse the dark side until help came. Marisa is strong and loyal, she believes that if anybody could refuse the dark side, it would be her.

Before she could continue any longer, she is suddenly brought out of her train of thought when two familiar faces enter the room. The greatest pilot of the resistance, Poe Dameron, and a stormtrooper, who takes off his helmet and reveals himself as Finn, or at the moment, FN-2187.

"Poe?" her brows raise and eyes sparkle with hope, if they're both here, then that means they're escaping and had come back for them. Marisa would be ok! They could escape and find the resistance! Warn them of what is to come! Marisa could learn the light side of the force before the First Order could try and corrupt her!

"Don't worry, we're gonna get you out of here, you and your friend. You're going to be ok." he smiles, looking over at the rouge stormtrooper so he could release her.

FN-2187, walks over to a pad by the wall, pressing a variety of buttons that releases the restraints. "Are you alright? Do you know where Marisa is?" Poe asks, looking down at the girl, unconsciously grabbing her arms gently as he does a quick look over to make sure she's not injured.

"Kylo Ren, he wants Marisa to join the dark side, he said she was force-sensitive." Hannah explains, clearly worried about what he might have done to her by now.

He nods in understanding, "Ok. If she's force sensitive then we need to get her to General Organa as quickly as possible. Has she had any type of training at all?" being the best pilot the Resistance has, Poe knew that the General could use the force, and he also knew that untrained force-wielders had to be trained in the ways of the light before they could feel the pull of the dark. Or they won't know how to fight against its overbearing temptation.

She shakes her head, "No, she never even knew or she would have told me."

"Then she's impressionable. Did you see where they took her?"

"Yeah, just down the hall, a few doors down." she says as FN-2187 walks over.

"Listen three is already a crowd, we're gonna look real suspicious by taking everybody. I don't think we should-" before he can say anything more, Poe cuts him off.

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