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~With Rey~

Mouth full of the dull, gray bread of the quarter portion, Rey sits upon the course, hot sand with an old orange pilot helmet set atop her head, when suddenly, she hears a loud meow to her left. Immediately, her head turns, only to be met with black fur and slit yellow eyes.

After taking off the far too large helmet, Rey looks strangely over at the domesticated animal, "Hello, where did you come from?" she asks, putting her hand out for the feline to sniff before scratching the soft tufts of her little head, once deemed worthy to do so.

Rey hears a little jingle as the cat walks closer, looking down to notice a golden tag attached to a collar wrapped comfortably around the animal's neck. Leaning in to see the engravings, she sees what she assumes to be the cat's name. "Mochi huh? Cute name, I'm Rey." she greets looking down to read the owner's name, to which it reads, Marisa Lee. "What are you doing all the way out here? I'm sure your owner is very worried."

Ignoring the woman's words, the cat sits down next to her, looking up and giving a sad meow in response, to which Rey seems to sense as she reaches down to pet the kitty once more. "Aww, you lost? I don't recognize the address on your tag, but you can stick with me until we find your owner." Rey shares a small smile, ripping off part of her bread and handing it to Mochi, to which the cat hungrily accepts.

As the second sun begins to set, and her food now finished, Mochi climbs on Rey's lap, making herself comfortable as the brunette notices a cute little tuft of white fur on the feline's neck as she looks down at the lost, intriguing kitty.

~With Hannah~

~7 Days After the Escape~

The old metal hinges creek as Hannah's door slowly opens, a certain pilot sticks his head in and gives her a smile. "How are you holding up?" he asks, sitting down next to her on the bed.

"Marisa and I have known each other since we were 6 and 7, it's been 20 years since then. We grew up together, moved away together, got our first apartment together. We've been together for the past 20 years and now she's with the First Order and I have no way of getting to her. You tell me." Hannah glares at the man, still blaming him for the separation from her sister.

Looking down, Poe sighs, "Yeah that was a stupid question."

After a moment's silence, Poe speaks up, "An inside man in the First Order gave us some intel on Marisa's whereabouts. Turns out we can bring her back a lot sooner than planned. We're heading out in an hour. We'll bring her home."

Hannah's head perks up, hope and happiness filling them once again like a pitcher to water, "Really?!" her voice echoes through the room, throat stinging slightly from the sudden overuse.

"Yes, really. I promised you we'd get her back didn't I?" he chuckles, happy to see her smiling at him rather than the glare he's been getting as of late.

~An Hour Later~

Hannah waves Poe off as his X-Wing whirrs with power, lifting from the ground, "Alright guys, let's do this. We should be there in a day. We get in, get Marisa, get out. Just stick to the plan and we'll be crystal." he speaks into the microphone, getting an array of hopeful replies.

~On the First Order Aircraft~

Booms sound from outside as Poe's team distracts the order while he makes his way through the seemingly never-ending dull gray hallways. Knowing that he is nearing the holding rooms, he speeds his pace, blaster at the ready should he run into any lingering stormtroopers.

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