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(Haiiiiiii I listened to this as I was writing, I think it'll help set the mood a bit. Anyway, enough out of me. Have fun ;) )

~The Resistance Base~

~4 Months Before the Turn~

Sighing, Leia hangs her head at their spy's report; still no information on Marisa. At this point, she is confident that she is being held at Fortress Inquisitorious, but have no solid proof and know nothing on the layout of the fort. Since it's so old, any attempts to find the blueprints have been unsuccessful. It was believed that the fort was abandoned long ago after the fall of the Empire, but according to new intel, the First Order has been keeping it under the table, renewing it to house high-priority captives and anything else they want to keep away from prying eyes.

Because of this, only a very select few people have access to files and information on anything even related to Fortress Inquisitorious. Their spy was not among that very classified group. Therefore, they had nothing, and Hannah has been waiting anxiously for a plan to rescue her sister. With no layouts, blueprints, or even confirmation that she was even being held there in the first place all they could do was sit back and trust in the Force to light their path.

Sensing a new presence, Leia lifts her head to see her best pilot with a questioning gaze. Knowing his question, she shakes her head. Once again, he would have to go back to Hannah and tell her that they still had nothing. Nothing to keep his promise, and as he runs his hand down his face he begins to question whether or not he's going to end up breaking a promise to the girl he had been growing quite attached to as of late.

With saddened eyes, Poe nods his head and makes his trek back to break the disappointing news to Hannah.

~Fortress Inquisitorious~

~3 Months Before the Turn~

With misty eyes, Obi-Wan tears his gaze away as a tear runs down his face, unable to stand the screams of terror coming from the box in front of him. Alas unwilling to leave her side again as she lays there, trapped in darkness with hundreds upon hundreds of roaches crawling across her body. He stands there, on a plane invisible to the living eye as the one he cared for so long ago screams as she stays trapped in her own living nightmare, begging for mercy.

As alarms begin to sound, a stormtrooper speaks up, "Heartrate exceeding safe levels Captain."

Phasma replies, unwilling to allow the girl a heart attack, "Release her."

Upon request, the lid opens with a sounding hiss before Marisa comes flying out, swiping roaches off her arms and body as she crawls away from the black box of terror heaving and huffing as her mind swims and her heart stresses near beyond its limits.

Obi-Wan runs to her side, laying a ghostly hand upon her cheek before moving it to her shoulder whispering words of comfort as he wills the force to allow her to feel his presence. Though she cannot see him, his presence is noticed her heaving chest begins slow, and her rapid heart begins to calm to safer levels.

With a broken smile, Obi-Wan whispers, knowing though his words cannot be heard, they are felt regardless, "I'm here."

~Fortress Inquisitorious~

~2 Months Before the Turn~

Obi-Wan sighs, tucking a loose hair behind Marisa's ear as she shakes and shivers in her sleep, the occasional whimper sounding through the dark and empty room. "Last much longer, she cannot. Obi-Wan." a familiar voice sounds through the force.

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