She hums to herself, not sure what she'd done wrong. When she was younger, she was always scared of talking to people in case she said the wrong thing, or they made fun of her for her autism, but she tried, and most people just called her cute, even if they didn't want to be friends. Her nightmare had come true in talking to Camila, and she decides that she's not going to let it knock her back. She's going to talk to Camila again, and tell her that she doesn't appreciate people looking down on her for being autistic.

Besides, she thought she was okay at making friends by now. She used to come on strong, which is what Normani had told her when Lauren had asked her best friend's first impression of her, but she thought she'd fixed that now. She's had lots of practice, because she makes sure to be nice to everyone. Normani tells her she's really popular, and that lots of people like her, and Lauren is always appreciative when people invite her to parties, but she's not comfortable in loud spaces. When the school's general population found out she was autistic, they petitioned and succeeded in making the junior prom a headphones party, and Lauren was over the moon, because she was always worried she wouldn't be able to go to a prom.

She shakes her head to get rid of that train of thought, because she needs to focus on the task at hand. She needs to find Camila and give her a piece of her mind.

(Not literally, she just wants to talk to her in a firm but informative manner.)

Honestly, Lauren thinks, some idioms and colloquialisms are so weird. Just like the allistic people who came up with them.

She stands up and grabs her backpack, exiting the library and trying to think of places she'd seen Camila before. She noted the other girl in the music room, and apparently that's where Camila spends her lunches – or so Lauren had gathered from watching her – so Lauren thinks she might've gone there for some alone time.

She says her signature hallo to the peers that greet her, even giving one of them, a girl called Keana that she considers herself friends with, an awkward hug in greeting before she scampers away in search of Camila.

She's almost at the music room when she's stopped.

"Hey, I've been looking all over for you," one of her closest friends, Lucy, catches up with her. "Listen, we've got a biology project being announced today, and-"

Lauren's attention is completely caught. "A project? Can I do something about lions? I know lots about their biology."

"I think it's on genetics and cells, just the stuff we've been covering recently," Lucy explains, "I'm sure you'll figure out a way to fit lions in there. But that's not the point. Point is, I need you to be my partner and I'm asking you before anyone else because you're my best friend and I love you and I know you don't want me to fail this project."

Lauren blinks. "Well, since you asked first, yes, we can be partners. But I know you're only saying how much you love me because you wanted to butter me up. Not literally, I'm using an idiom, because you obviously don't have butter. But it's not necessary to use flattery. I like working with you because you're smart and you do your work. I banned Dinah from being my partner because I had to do everything while she took lots of selfies. Do you happen to know where Camila Cabello is?"

Lucy takes a few moments to digest Lauren's mini monologue, before grinning. Lauren notes how Lucy holds her arm out, and knowing that her friend is going to touch her, doesn't get uncomfortable when she feels an arm around her shoulders. "Well, that's typical Dinah for you. And no, I don't even know who that is. You got a little crush, Laur?"

Lauren frowns. "No. Though, she is very pretty. I just want to make her be my friend, because she doesn't have any friends. I talked to her in the library earlier, but she was rude, so I'm going to tell her that she's not allowed to be rude to me or it's ableist."

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