a sight to see

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author:kurohami on archiveyourown

Alright! We need you to look to your left!" The cameraman angled himself as he gave instructions to the model. Flaunting her tall and toned figure, Lauren smirked as she posed for her pictures, exuding confidence.

It was a daily sight to see her face plastered in every magazine, a sight to behold for the public. To be more exact, "he" was a supermodel, not her.

Michael Jauregui was a name everyone knew. Not Lauren Jauregui. "He" was the sole heir to the Jauregui Enterprise, a billionaire company that had a long history in its name. Not forgetting the fact that "he" was blessed with stunning features, "he" had become the dream boy of most in the world.

'Michael Jauregui is living the dream!' One would lament when they saw his face plastered on billboards. But he wasn't. Because there was no Michael Jauregui, only Lauren, a girl forced to play the role of someone she could never fully be. Her parents needed a male heir to their name, for the company's inheritance would be in the hands to the first who birthed a son.

However, Mike and Clara Jauregui only birthed a beautiful daughter, no longer eligible to claim the inheritance. They cursed the skies for bringing them bad luck before resorting to drastic measures for the money was too precious to lose, their daughter would just have to be a son. Lauren became Michael, a son not a daughter. She learned to play various sports, flirt with pretty girls and wore binders. She was taught to speak with a low voice and put on facial hair just to play the part of a son and she did it perfectly.

Lauren Jauregui would live the life of a normal high school girl from an average household while Michael Jauregui would live the life of a billionaire son. Everything was fine, Lauren had been fine with playing a guy for she could make out with any girl she wanted and got anything she wanted with a smile. If it wasn't for Camila Cabello.

Camila was Lauren's best friend as they instantly clicked after meeting in high school. Lauren liked Camila. Camila was sweet and would always cheer Lauren up with her hugs, she knew Lauren inside out and read her like an open book. However, she was straight. From Austin to some guy from the football team, Lauren had to stay up every night to hear about how dreamy they were and also comfort Camila when things didn't work out. She had accepted the fact that she would never be able to get the girl, until that day...where there was a glimpse of hope for Lauren. To be more specific, Michael Jauregui.

"Lauren! Look at this, isn't he so hot!" Camila scared in delight as she shoved her phone screen into Lauren's face. Lauren giggled as she pushed the phone away before actually looking at the picture, her eyes widening as she stared at a picture of herself or rather, Mike Jauregui.

"Really Camz? Have you never seen him before?" Lauren laughed as Camila shook her head vigorously, "I heard of his name but I never knew he was such a dreamboat! Look at his jaw and his eyes! They're as green as yours!" Camila exclaimed in a frantic manner as Lauren gently pulled her closer. "Does that mean you find me hot?" She whispered in Camila's ear before pulling away, smirking at the sight of Camila's reddened cheeks.

"Stop teasing me! You're hot, everyone in the school knows that!" Camila huffed as she sat on Lauren's lap," Besides, Michael Jauregui and you technically share the same last name! Maybe you were long lost, siblings!" Lauren only laughed at her response, only if she knew.

When the night came, Lauren had just finished a photoshoot when she saw that she received a DM from Camila on Instagram.

Camilacabello: Hey! You probably won't read this but I'm a big fan of yours and I'd just like to tell you that I love you so so much. You're really nice and it's a plus that we both support LGBT! Just a funny question, do you like bananas?🍌

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