i hate them (but i love you)

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author: bm_binger on aoo

"Oh, we go where nobody knows. With guns hidden under our petticoats."

When Camila first heard a song from The 1975, she was lounging in her bunk with a worn copy of The Book Thief.

She scrunched her nose in disdain, the music foreign. Different from her usual pop mainstream ones.

She peeked her head out of the curtain shielding her bed, which gives an illusion of privacy, and followed where the song is streaming from.

She strained her ears to follow the sound until her eyes came to a stop at Lauren's bunk: curtain drawn and the green-eyed girl furiously scrolling through her phone.

Camila walked the short distance between their beds and flopped next to Lauren, whose eyes lit up like fireworks when she saw Camila.

"Camz! Camz! Listen to this band! They're really cool!" She said excitedly, gently slapping Camila's thigh in quick succession to illustrate her swelling excitement.

Lauren is positively giddy at the prospect of sharing her newfound music to her best friend. She swiped left on her phone which made the song playing in her mini speakers to restart and turned it up a few decibels.

Camila hid her grimace, not wanting to ruin Lauren's mood and instead, matched her smile.

The song is not that bad, hints of 90s music and indie rock splashed together but it isn't really up Camila's alley.

But Lauren's twinkling eyes and riveting smile definitely is.

So she kept mum about her dislike.

Because Lauren loves this band and their music.

Maybe... maybe she'll come to love it too.

Because she certainly does love the girl listening to it.


"Ally! Did you see my banana socks?"

Camila has been throwing garments out of her suitcase trying to look for her favourite pair of socks when Lauren came dashing in the tour bus, feet pounding heavily.


She called out, voice heavy with excitement and unbridled enthusiasm.


The footsteps grew closer until Lauren's form emerged under the entryway where the bunk beds are located and where Camila is currently sitting on the soft carpeted floor while digging through her suitcase with various clothing scattered around her.

The brown-eyed girl looked Lauren up and down, whose hair is done and curled at the ends, positively beaming while clutching something in her hands.

"Camz, look! A fan gave me two tickets to The 1975's concert!"

Her green eyes shone bright, like precious emerald jewels under expensive chandeliers and her smile stretched her red lips. With hands shaking from exuberance, she handed Camila the tickets.

"I want you to go with me because I know you love them too!"

Camila grimaced at the mention of her feelings towards the band but thankfully, Lauren didn't see it.

When she looked at Lauren, who is still beaming at her, she smiled her widest too and squealed.

Not because they have tickets for the band's concert.

But because Lauren is so utterly beautiful with happiness written all over her.

When they went to the concert, their seats in the balcony giving them a perfect view of the band, Camila didn't bother watching the set because she doesn't really like The 1975 and mostly just enjoyed seeing Lauren fangirl over them.

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