work now, kiss later

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author:firebird_18 on archiveyourown

Camila had left. Gone. Disappeared. Camila had left.

Had being the operative word. She had left. Now she was back.

Kind of. I mean she was solo but still good friends with Fifth Harmony.

So the media got all that wrong. It all came to the surface at the 2017 VMAs. Camila and the girls had been nominated, different categories of course, but nominated nonetheless.

But imagine the surprise when Fifth Harmony's limo revealed not four singers but five. Dinah with her arm linked with Camila's as they laughed and joked before hitting the red carpet. It was confusing for those paparazzi and interviewers before the shock wore off and questions were yelled left, right and centre at the five girls.

And the weirder thing that everyone noticed was how Camila and Lauren interacted with each other. Before Camila's (kind of expected) departure, her and Lauren had drifted apart on management's orders. Also partly because Lauren needed space to come to terms with her sexuality and the whole Camren thing was not helping.

So when Lauren was pulling Camila into her side with an arm around her waist and whispering things in Camila's ear to make her giggle, everyone was surprised. Dinah was watching everyone's confused expressions with a smug smile. Normani was smiling softly at Dinah's teasing of Camila and Lauren. Ally was smiling proudly at all her friends, finally thankful that the drama was done with.


So yeah, the girls were back together, kind of. As a four and a one. But it was back to normal at least. Only difference now was Lauren and Camila actively encouraging Camren; both of them finally in a place to accept it. It helped that there was some truth behind the fans words and assumptions.

And by some truth I mean all truth. Camila had asked Lauren out the second her friendships were safe and secure after her leaving. Of course she'd beat Lauren by like a day. Camila was terrified of this relationship; she'd liked Lauren since day one, hell by now it was safe to say she was in love with the green eyed singer.

They had tried to keep it secret. Tried but not very successful. They got caught coming out of a club, arms around each other, whispering in each others ears, kissing the other's neck, hell one lucky fan got a picture of them dancing inside the club with each other. More like grinding but dancing nonetheless.

It was everywhere, Camren was real and no one was denying it this time. Actually, Lauren posted a picture of Camila on her Instagram confirming their relationship. To say many fans died would be an understatement. Figuratively of course.


Camila was ecstatic, hell she was on top of the world with excitement. However, Camila had to work. No matter how badly she wanted to spend the whole day alone with Lauren. Roger had asked for a new verse and Camila had been eager to write some new music. She hadn't had a chance what with all the press and interviews with Lauren and the girls. It had been exhausting.

So now Lauren was sat in Fifth Harmony's studio doing jack shit, Dinah and Normani were arguing over in the far corner and Ally was sitting at the soundboard on her phone. Camila was actually inside the recording booth, her back against the wall, legs stretched out in front of her with her notebook balanced on one leg and her laptop on the floor next to her.

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