do you believe in fate?

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Author: librah on archiveyourown

Last night, Camila went to a party with her roomate, Dinah Jane. And to clarify: yes, it was a party that she actually went to willingly (sort of).

("Dinah, we just moved into the building yesterday, I mean, why can't we just kick back and relax some more?"

"Oh my god, Mila, stop whining and put your damn pants on.")

But still, she actually mingled with people she barely knew instead of following her friend around like a lost puppy. And she only got the urge to jump out the window twice, and the feeling passed both times without incident, which is actually an improvement because in previous social situations, she usually gets the urge to jump out the window, like, 3 times within the hour she's there.

She blames it on her new year's resolution. This year, her resolution was to become more adventurous and be more open towards people because she's tired of being constantly reminded of her lack of a wild side while her best friend practically radiates wild. And because Dinah pointed out that, "Mila, I don't understand why you make up a new year's resolution every year because you haven't kept, like, any of them for longer than two months," Camila is more than determined to keep this one for the rest of the year. Or even better--the rest of her life. Yeah, then when they're in their sixties, Camila will be rubbing it all over Dinah's stupid elderly face that she can keep a resolution.


"Okay, Camila, truth or dare?"

Her, Dinah, and a handful of her newly acquainted friends were all sitting in a circle and Dinah suggested that they play a game.

Camila studies the situation of a bit. Dinah knows that Camila knows that she has to choose dare. She's known her best friend for years and she's aware when the girl's up to something, and Camila doesn't like it one bit.

Still, Camila can't really do anything about it unless she wants to be proven wrong. "Dare."

Dinah smiles a particularly evil smile and says, "I dare you, Karla Camila Cabello--"

She rolls her eyes at her friend's attempt at being dramatic. "Get on with it."

"--to flip a coin for every decision you have to make in your life for an entire week."

The dare was odd. Camila was kind of expecting her to say something incredibly idiotic and immature like, "I dare you to hump that *insert inanimate object here*." Although don't get her wrong; she's really glad she doesn't have to hump anything, but still--this sounds pretty evil too.


Dinah flashes her a grin and pulls a quarter out of her pocket. "Why don't we make this a little more interesting?" She tosses Camila the coin which she barely catches.

Oh boy.

"Fifty bucks says that you won't last the week."

The group around her oohed. "You gonna take that, Camila?" One of the guys--Chad, probably? Actually, she's pretty sure there's at least 3 similar looking guys in this party named Chad--asked.

"Oh really?" Camila definitely isn't gonna be one to back out of this challenge. "Okay, it's a deal." She looks at the quarter, then back up at Dinah. "You're gonna owe me some money by the end of this week."

Dinah smirks. She'll have to admit, this new side of Camila is a lot more fun to mess around with.


"Mila, can you grab me my soda over there?" Dinah gestures to the can of soda on the coffee table only a few feet away from her.

Camila looks up from her book. "It's literally right there. You can reach it if you try hard enough."

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