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author: schwanenkoenigin on aoo

Being in a church has never really done anything for her. It's like being anywhere. It's like being in a shopping mall, but slightly more boring. Or like being in a museum, just a teeny, tiny bit less overwhelming. If she's honest, it is actually quite underwhelming. As in constantly rolling her eyes underwhelming.

It's ironic, really, finding being in church an experience comparable to being in literally any building when one of her parents is an actual priest. Honestly? Her father would probably give her a day long lecture if he ever found out that she thinks about holy spaces like this. Especially because he'd taken every chance he's had raising her, to take her to different churches, and to read out special texts to her. And she appreciates it. She really does. She can't ask for better parents.

She's just not religious. At all. Like, she doesn't get the concept of believing in things that can't be explained or seen. She gets that there are people out there who do, and she totally respects that, but she wouldn't get into that stuff herself. She hasn't, and, even with all of her dad's trying, she definitely won't. Unless something incredibly unexpected happens that makes her reevaluate the entirety of things. She doesn't exactly consider that a possibility, though.

Her dad has taught her, however, that anything can happen. So who knows?

At least, she finds the looks of all the interiors interesting. That's something, isn't it? She has something to make those Sunday mornings more agreeable. Barely.

Lauren yawns as her dad continues reading the bible passage he's currently invested in. She has absolutely no clue what it's about. People lying and getting killed for it, people saving each other and dying, people doing more things they're not allowed to and, ultimately, dying. Or getting killed.

She can imagine loads of things that would be more fun to do right now. Loads of things that do not involve church at 10:30am on a Sunday. Like listening to music. Or having breakfast. Or sleeping. God, she would love to be able to sleep in every weekend like normal college students. It just sounds so good to her.

She agreed to be here once a month to support her dad, though. Because he's supported her a lot growing up. And even if she doesn't agree with everything he says in here, he's still a great person and a great father and she wants to give some love back to him. He deserves it.

"Honey, are you okay?" her mom whispers into her ear.

Lauren turns to her right. Her mom is looking at her with a knitted brow. There is a look of worry on her face. "What-- why?"

"I can see tears on your face."

Her hand immediately shoots up to wipe her cheek. Ah, damn. "Sorry, I-- I got lost in thought."

The worry increases visibly. "Something bad?"

"No," Lauren assures with a smile. She takes her mom's hand and squeezes it. "I promise."

Clara's features soften. "Okay."

"I need a moment, though. Would it be okay to go outside for a bit?" Lauren knows, of course, that it's fine. But good manners matter to her. "Have to get some fresh air."

"Of course, Lauren. I'll tell your dad if he asks."

"Thank you," Lauren replies with a grateful smile on her face. She kisses her mom's cheek before standing up and slowly making her way to the end of the bench. She looks at her father from afar, sends him a reassuring nod, then turns to walk towards the door that she knows leads to a back room and, ultimately, outside. Once she has exited the room, she takes her headphones out and connects them to her phone. She takes a long breath. It smells like freshly cut grass. And like rain. Her eyes flutter shut as she puts her headphones on.

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