get like

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NOT OWNED BY ME (content not suitable for all)

Camila knows that it's wrong. Well... okay, it's not completely wrong. But it's not entirely right either. She really shouldn't have a crush on her friend's older sister. She knows that people would disapprove of it. But she just can't help it.

Lauren is fucking hot.

The girl is five years her senior, twenty-three and starting her last year of college because she took a gap year after graduating high school. Camila is going to be a senior in high school and while she is close to legally being an adult, five years is still a big difference for someone so young. If something were to happen between them (and Camila isn't saying that anything would, because one, she's fairly sure Lauren has no clue about her crush, and two, she is sure that Lauren would never be into someone like her), it wouldn't even be legal until March third when Camila turns eighteen, and seen as it's the summer before senior year, that's a long time from now.

Of course, all of this is Camila's reasoning in her head because why would Lauren fucking Jauregui be interested in her little sister's slightly clumsy, always goofy, not-even-legal friend?


It's not like Camila pulled this crush out of her ass, though. She likes to believe that she has good reason for being into Lauren. The girl herself has given her good reason for being into her.

Camila has been close friends with Taylor since the beginning of last year's summer when they started working at the same coffee shop and found out that they also attended the same school. Since Camila had spent pretty much all of her summer hanging out at Taylor's house with Dinah, she had gotten to know Lauren pretty quickly since the girl was home all summer from New York. And then she got to know Lauren more when she came home for Thanksgiving. And Christmas. And spring break.

(They had finally swapped numbers during Thanksgiving.)

So yeah, maybe they know each other pretty well considering the amount of time they've been able to spend together, and maybe it throws Camila off a little because of just how excited Lauren always is to see her when she makes it back home, and maybe they're a little too touchy feely for a normal friendship.

But it doesn't mean anything, because that's just how they are with each other. There's nothing more to it, as much as Camila wishes there was. And she would never in a million years be able to ask Lauren if the girl feels anything for her; Camila hasn't even had her first kiss yet. There's no way she'd ever be able to ask someone (especially Lauren) about their feelings for her.

So this is what Camila is left with: stuck spending pretty much the entire summer, probably half the time in bathing suits, with her inappropriate crush who is way out of her league. It's the sweetest kind of torture imaginable.

Lauren has currently been back from New York for two days but Camila has yet to see her. So when Taylor extends an invitation to hang out at the Jauregui residence, Camila jumps on the offer because she's beyond excited to see Lauren.

Ringing the doorbell, Camila clicks the lock button on her car keys a few times to double check that her car is locked properly. She expects Taylor to answer the door, but when it swings open and she's met with bright green eyes, Camila can't help the little extra bit of excitement she feels.

The next thing Camila knows, she's being pulled into a tight hug, the unmistakable scent of Lauren that she hasn't forgotten taking over her senses as she buries her face into the girl's neck.

"Camz, oh my god, I'm missed you so much," Lauren mumbles into her hair, her arms still squeezing unrelentlessly around Camila's waist.

Camila, for her part, is returning the hug just as enthusiastically. She really missed Lauren. "I'm so happy to see you, Lo."

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