chapter 14

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I FINALLY knew how to control my powers! Now I just have to get better and stronger in what I do.
But nevermind that, I had huge news!

"I am performing a solo infront of the whole SCHOOL!"I squealed.
"That's awesome!" Said zoe.
"I am gonna be practising the whole day today" I said.
Well, I got the information very very late. So people are just gonna have to trust me on this one.
"Wait, but what about gem life?" Asked zoe.
"Well we didn't get much information on bloodstone, so we're at a dead end. So I might as well forget about it for a while." I answered.

I told the crystal gems the news, they congratulated me and I practiced the whole day. I actually think I sounded pretty good!

Finally, it was time.
I stood backstage on our HUGE auditorium, now filled with people. I was really nervous, but I waited for them to introduce me to the stage.

"So let's give a warm welcome to the singer of our school........
ALEXIS!" Said the anchor.
I was so scared! But I somehow managed to go up there and sing the first few lines of the song.

As I kept singing, i got more and more confidence! And after a few moments I was enjoying the feel of being on stage and singing to people who want to listen! It was the best feeling in the world.......


"Dude! Stop pushing me man!" Said Shaun to his friend mark.
"I cant do anything! I'm getting pushed too!" Said mark.
Mark pushed Shaun harder this time, making Shaun let go of his drink. As soon as this happened, instead of being angry, he was staring at the cup in surprise.

Mark, starteled by shaun looked in his direction  and had a similar reaction.
"The cup is FLOATING?!!?!?!" Mark exclaimed.
They immediately took out their phones and started filming the floating, now slowly falling cup.


The song was almost over. I was satisfied with my performance. It was one of the best moments in my life.
After I thanked the audience, I went backstage to get some criticism on my performance.(most of them were positive! :D) 


As soon as the song ended, the cup immediately fell on the ground.
"Wait, why did that happen?" Asked mark.
"The song! The song ended so it fell down!" Said shaun.
"Do you think the song is, like, magic?" Asked mark.
"That's so weird! But maybe it is......" said shaun.

They spent the rest of the evening playing the song I sung and dropping cups of water to see if the song is magic.
As expected, they failed. And they weren't going to stop at just that........
They had other theories too...........


Crystal Clear....Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum