chapter 6

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I never thought that I'd have TIME POWERS!?!?! but then agian I  never thought I'd be a superhero.......
It had been almost a year since I had discovered I was a gem. I know that in movies, people just master their power in just a few months or maybe even weeks. But this isn't a movie; this is real life....... and it takes time and effort to perfect your superpower.

Anyway, most of my powers are time related; stopping time, slowing time,  and preconstructing. I could not go forward or back in time though. That was kinda like cheating life in some cases.
If you dont know what preconstructing means, its basically seeing what will happen if you choose that path. It's not seeing the future; it's more like seeing what MIGHT happen when I choose that path. Either way, I still hadn't mastered that skill yet.

So, enough about my powers. One evening, me and the crystal gems were doing our own thing when suddenly we saw something like a small capsule falling high speed from the sky. Immediately the crystal gems started moving around and trying to figure out how to stop the capsule from hitting the earth and how to catch it without breaking it at the same time.

They decided to fuse together to form alexandrite; a fusion of garnet, amethyst and pearl. Once they fused, they would try to stop the capsule from hitting the earth's surface.
"But we dont know if it will work....
The force with which it comes might be too much for us to handle." Said pearl.(classic pearl, always worrying. Although in this case I dont blame her.)
"We have no other choice. We need to protect earth." Said garnet.
"Wait! I can stop time when the capsule is about to hit earth and then you can catch it before it hits the earth!" I said.
"No, it's too risky. You haven't mastered your powers yet. It's better if we do it this way." Said garnet.

Right after, the crystal gems fused and     the capsule was going to hit the ground any second now.

My heart was beating EXTREMELY fast and I had never been this scared my whole entire life.

I wished and I prayed that everything will be ok. I needed to do something, but I was still a beginner. PLEASE let alexandrite catch the capsule, PLEASE dont let anyone get hurt, PLEASE dont let the capsule crash land on earth.
PLEASE........ Please........please........

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