chapter 4

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"I know it will take time to processes this but what steven said earlier was true." Said pearl. Then they told me their story. They said they were gems that looked like humans because their bodies were illusions(steven is like me though. Half-human), they come from a planet called homeworld and live in another dimension.

They told me that I used to live in homeworld too, but because of a huge war, my birth parents sent me to earth when I was a few years old.

They said that I was actually a gem, raised as a human. So I was half of both.
"But out of all this I think what will answer your 'emerald incident ' is that you have powers."
Now I could not take it anymore.... poweres?? "THAT'S SO AWESOME!!" I said.
"Yeah! And we can train you to use it!" Said amethyst.
"But we dont know all of your powers yet, so we'll figure it out on the way." Said garnet.

They gave me a few tips about managing my powers, like be calm, practice makes perfect etc. I also successfully covered a pencil with emerald!!

"Why did you reach out to me only now?" I asked.
"Well...... we discovered that there was a gem In another dimension only recently." Said pearl.
"But when we discovered where you were we came here and managed to find you." Said garnet.

It was all rainbows and unicorns while they taught me and explained their story to me. But I knew something was on the back of each of their minds.

I was AMAZED by what just happened. I don't think my life will ever be the same..........

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