12 || Delusional Discussions

Start from the beginning

Midoriya exhaled relievedly, a small smile of gratitude forming on his face.

"After all they work alongside U.A.'s suppliers for Hero Costumes, and have proved both reliable and hard working. It would be quite offensive to them, I'd imagine, if we pushed charges on such an unreasonable whim."

Midoriya nodded a little more.

"We will be running DNA scans overnight, but we'll only get their results by tomorrow morning. We can also do some blood tests and facial recognition, but again, we will have to wait a while to see how they turn out."

Midoriya nods uncertainly.

"Do you have anyone else, other than family, who knew this 'Kacchan' as you say?" Asked Ectoplasm from where he was leaning against the wall, along with all the other U.A. teachers who were immediately available to join their conversation.

"K-Kacchan?!" Shota's student exclaimed. "I-I think it'd be better if people didn't call him that, it's a nickname I gave to him as a c-child and I suppose my bad habit m-mustn't have gone away."

Midoriya rubbed his neck again. "He, uh, he doesn't like it very much."

"I see." Ectoplasm says. "Regardless, you didn't answer my question."

"Well there is one...But I suppose...Perhaps they wouldn't-"        

Shota sent him a look and he gulped, instantly shutting up.

"Yes, there is someone else."

Shota slid his eyes over to look at Midnight. "It may not come to that though. From what I saw, you two seemed pretty familiar. What is it he called you? 'Deku?'" Shota directed the least part back at his student.

Midoriya laughed a little, but it sounded to Shota more like he was choking on a scream.

"Y-Yeah. Deku, that's me."

"Well, to be frank, there are lots of odds against this. However, Ground Zero's personality, key features and known traits align almost perfectly with these."

Shota indicated the stacks of closed files labelled 'Bakugou Katsuki.'

"It would have been verging on impossible for someone to have found such a precise match-up to supply us with, and there is little to be gained from such a situation."

Before continuing to talk to his agitated student, he looked up at the accumulated Pro Heroes in the room. They all gave small nods.

"We will have to investigate further into this, but in the meantime, can we have the details for this other person who knows about Ground Zero's last life? It may take a while to reach them, and I want this all out of the way as soon as possible, meaning we need them here the second we have those test results."

Midoriya chuckled again, this time sounding a little less strained.

"Well that shouldn't be too hard for you Sir, I'm sure they'll be available the second you get those tests back! They were the third member of Kacchan's little group with me, I'm sure they'll be eager to see him again."

Shota blinked once, the only show of his confusion.

"Who is this 'they?'" He asked.

"Oh it's your other student, my friend L/N F/N!"

—  —  —

The ground was digging into Shota's back uncomfortably, but after years of practise he'd perfected the subtle art of not caring. =Laying on the somewhat lumpy floor of the Teacher's Lounge, clad in his abrasively yellow sleeping bag, Shota considered the chaotic mess of things he'd learned that day.

Foremost on this list was the boy known as Ground Zero.

Just when he'd been thinking he was starting the get a handle on how to predict his class of problem children, the blonde had shown up and thrown everything out of order once more.

To be honest, Shota was starting to question why he still even tried.

Ground Zero had only been here at U.A. for one day and yet there was already fresh conspiracies brewing, fist fights in the halls, whispers in classes, and now adding on to that...

The Villain's real identity.

While in 'confinement' where he was being held captive until he agreed to the Government's rules, he had refused both food and water for almost a full week and a half. His stubborn determination was more than admirable, and had Shota immediately thinking of Class 1-A.

Even more impressive was his ability to hold his tongue. While on the outside he may appear to be hot-headed and rash, the reality was that the boy had more self-control than people gave him credit for.

If only the kid would actually use it every now and then, Shota's life would be immeasurably easier. But then, if he had this restraint, why didn't he put it into play?

The answer, to Shota, was obvious.

Because Ground Zero's unapproachable temperament was covering something else. What that was, though, Shota couldn't fathom.

With a sigh, he zipped the sleeping bag over his face and blocked the rest of the world out.

Shota was not looking forward to tomorrow.

Level Zero - Villain!Bakugou RehabilitationWhere stories live. Discover now