I turned away from him and headed for the stairs. When I got to Mia's room I stopped. I knew she was most likely sound asleep thanks to that stupid sedative. I pushed the door open and saw her sleeping figure in the moonlight. She had always liked being able to see the moon. I walked over to the opposite side of the bed, setting my gourd down and pulling my shirt over my head.

"Gaara..." I nearly jumped when I heard her voice. I expected her to turn and glare at me or give me an annoyed face for waking her up but when she didn't I realized she was talking in her sleep. It was the first time I had ever heard her do it. Her voice was soft like when I was in the vision of the Osore. "I'm...so..rr..y..." She muffled and then there was silence in the room again. I smiled gently and curled up beside her, pulling her into my chest so I could feel her heart beat. Just that constant rhythm was enough to soothe me to sleep.


In the morning I woke up to see her eyes looking at me warmly.

"Mia..." She flinched when she noticed I was awake.

"I..." She stumbled a little, her face getting flushed.

"I'm sorry." I pulled her into a hug. Her face was resting against the bare skin of my chest.

"Gaara...I...I'm sorry too." She whispered and held me tightly.

"Its bothering you isn't it?" I muttered.

"Yes..." With others they would have had to explain, but with the two of us it was as if we just knew. "I didn't mean to take it out on you and Temari...its just when they mentioned Haku...I remembered the time of the year. I guess I couldn't help but be upset." Her raw voice was so soft, so vulnerable. No one else in the village but Temari and I saw this. Not even Kankuro.

"I understand. That's why you went to see your mother?" She nodded, though it was more of her rubbing her face against my chest as a response.

"Even if she's not really there. I take comfort in just sitting and talking with her. It's something I used to do as a child. " She pushed herself up so she could look at me. I could see the pain in her eyes, the sadness she most likely felt constantly.

"It was the same with me when it came to hurting others...my purpose had been to survive and for that other people were in the way. But I have a new purpose in life now." She smiled softly, though I could still see the sadness behind her eyes.

"And what might that be?"

"You. You're my new purpose. And as long as I'm alive I will never allow you to feel alone again." I rested my hand against her cheek, softly stroking in circles with my thumb.

"Gaara...I...I love you." She hesitated not because she didn't feel that way but because she had never said it to anyone other than her family before. It surprised me as well, since we had never said it in the months we had been dating. It was something we felt we didn't need to say. For Mia to say this meant she meant every word.

"I love you too." I pulled her into my arms again and she laid her head against my chest. Her hand rested against my abs. I never wanted this moment to end. But like all good things...

"Gaara?" Temari's voice came from outside the door. We both sighed.

"You should go. I understand, it can't be easy being the leader of this village. If there's anything I can do, just let me know." She smiled.

"You do more than enough already." I kissed her forehead and got up, putting my shirt on and fixing my hair.

Time for another long day...


Mia's POV

After Gaara left I got myself ready for the day.

Mia, I think I found something. Shei's voice popped into my head.


Yes, apparently under ground near where I had been sealed away there's copies of some of the medical ninjutsu.

You found this in my memories?

Not quite...

Then how?

Your mother's memories.

But how?

Not quite sure myself. It was at the very beginning of your memories.

Interesting. So we would need to go there?


Thank you Shei.

I finished getting ready and rushed out of the house with Okami who was confused at the rush.

Is everything okay? He asked as we ran towards the Kazekage's office.

"Yes, just something I have to tell Gaara and the others." When we reached the building I headed up to his office and saw Temari standing guard in place of Kankuro.

"Mia, what's the matter? You're out of breath." She looked at me confused.

"I need to speak with Gaara and you."

"Alright, Gaara?" She spoke up and we heard a muffled come in. We walked through the door and he looked from Temari to me confused.

"What is it?"

"Shei found something." This caused them both to look at me.

"Really?!" I nodded.

"The only catch is we need to go back to my-" I trailed off. "Where my village once stood." I whispered.

"Then we'll send a squad to go with you." He started to order.

"No. I just want Temari with me."

"Mia, that's too dangerous with the sedative and those ninja after you." Gaara argued.

"I understand the dangers, but even still. Also with less people it will be easier to traverse the terrain. Its not the easiest and I think Temari and Okami would be best suited for it." Gaara sighed, knowing he wasn't going to win this argument either.

"Alright. But just be careful and I want constant reports. Understand?" I nodded.

"Don't worry, Okami and I will take care of her." Temari placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I entrust her to you then. Just don't do anything stupid you two." We chuckled.

"Since when have we done anything stupid?"

"Then shall we get going?" Temari stated.


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