Chapter Eleven

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'Welcome Alpha Lucas, feels like a while since we have seen you' I hold my hand out to Lucas but he pulls me in for a hug.
'Nonsense to all this formal shit, I am here today so see my little sister become Luna, our two families will be one' he releases me from the hug, I see Ivy behind him and holds my hand out to her.
'Aww Luna Ivy how lovely to see you too' to be honest Ivy doesn't look very good at all, she seems so sad and drawn in as she shakes my hand, she doesn't pull me in for a hug.
'Um is Alpha Daniel coming?' I wasn't too sure if he was or not.
'Yes he'll be along before the ceremony starts' Lucas says as one of our pack warriors take out his bags from the car, and takes them in to the Alpha house, as they don't have much contact with humans it's best for them to stay in the Alpha house.
'Where is my sister?' Asks Lucas looking behind me into the Alpha house, hoping I gues to see if she'll be out to greet him.
'Tia is getting ready, she's been feeling quite ill I think it's something to do with the baby,' I see the shocked look on their faces,
'Umm but that's meant to be normal' opps I think I must have said something wrong.
'Tia is perfectly fine, she is just stuffering from normal pregnancy symptoms and nothing more, I am sorry if my brother may have caused any alarm. And I also apologise I wasn't here to greet you both myself I was dealing with Tia, she feels more at comfort with me by her side, if you follow me in I'll be more than happy to take u both to see Tia.' Thank god alex was here to save the day again, though again I will be in trouble. I end up following them all to the main living room.
'Tia my dear sister how are you?' Lucas asks Tia,
'I am fine, though I see you listened to my request.... I asked you not to come.' Tia snaps at Lucas, and chucks the flowers he gave her on the floor. The whole atmosphere in the room changes, I feel so uncomfortable being here.
'Alex I am going to help set up this may turn into something' I mind link Alex but he shakes his head.
'My wolf is on edge with them near Tia with her being so upset, if anything happens I'll need you to get Tia out of here.' Damm it, though I should be happy his wolf trust me with Tia. His wolf is overprotective of Tia, because she's his mate and she's pregnant with their pup and heir, anything or anyone who upsets her is in grave danger, his wolf will kill anyone and I mean anyone who is a threat to his mate or pup without thinking.
'Lucas, I told you your mate is grieving for her sister, I am the reason why that poor girl lost her mind. And your Beta is missing cos of me and your here playing happy families this is a mess. That's why I left your pack as soon as I did cos it ain't fair me being around Ivy' the mention of Matthew even though he was his name wasn't mention and just referred to as Lucas Beta, makes Alex growls. Everyone turns to face Alex. Then Ivy coughs and starts to speak.
'Tia please I understand my sister wasn't well and her mate rejecting her send her over the edge. Myself and my parents don't blame you in the slightest it was her wolf that went crazy when she was rejected I promise' Tia shakes her head obviously she still feels bad.
'I dont want this with my hormones, Alex please see them out I'll go upstairs with Max until you return' oh no this isn't good at all, I look at Alex he just nods at me, I then look at Tia.
'But Tia, he's your brother' I plead with her before she leaves the room.
'I don't care... Max I need to get ready' Tia starts to walk towards the door? I mindlink Alex cause I know he's wolf will be on edge.
'I'll stay with her until you can clam down this situation'. Alex just nods at me his priority is his mate and unborn pup, as Tia has given him her request, he is the only one who can resolve this whole situation, hopefully he'll do what's best, unless his wolf takes over.

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