Episode 8: Unknown

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, but how are we gonna get him out?"

"I have an idea."


"Hey, Don." I say as we walk outside his door.

We see him holding a card out to Debbie as she pecks at his ankle device.

"Hey, Y/n! This is jailbreak, right?" Don asks as he puts the card back in the deck.

"Uh, yeah." I say.

"Yes!" Don claps then holds his hand out. "Where's the key?"

"It's... not a key exactly." Says Penny as I drag a tool to cut him out with.

"What am I supposed to do with that?" Asks Don.

We don't answer, knowing he knows what to do, and we explain to him the plan and what we need him to do.


We walk around the halls when we see Will and the robot.

"Hey, you! Slow down!" Penny runs up to the robot and they stop. "I got something for you." Penny hugs the robot.

I catch up to them and put a hand on Will's shoulder.

Penny runs a finger along the robot's damaged armor. "Ooh. A rugged look. I like it."

"Nice to see you too." Says Will sarcastically.

"I saw you two days ago." Says Penny as she drops her hand and looks at Will.

"I fought SAR and almost died." Will says argumentatively.

"We," Penny gestures between herself and me, "flew through space in a storage container."

"Cool." Will whispers in awe.

"No. Not cool. Terrible." Says Penny.

"And cold. Terrible and cold." I say.

"Sorry." Will says bashfully.

"Whatever. We have a secret mission from Mom." Penny says.

"What is it?" Will asks.

"It's not for you." Penny says then looks up at the robot and pats his arm. "It's for him."


I decide to leave the mission to Penny knowing she can handle it herself. I decide to go check on John.

Suddenly I run into Smith. When I ask her what's going on she tells me that Hastings is going to open the OGS airlock and she has to tell Maureen or everyone that's in there is going to die. I tell her to go and I'll evacuate everyone that's there.

When I get there I hurry to tell everyone to evacuate, but I'm too late. The airlock opens, letting the outside atmosphere in, filling the room with ammonium.

"This place is about to get real uncomfortable!" Don yells as everyone runs to the doors. "Everybody out!"

"Go! Go! Everybody get out!" I yell. "Move, move!"

The doors start closing before everyone is out. Don uses the metal piece of the wall he cut out from his security thing and stops the door from closing, just enough for everyone to get out. I stay behind the group of crew members to make sure they all get out safely and nobody is left behind. I find Ava, the head of the maintenance crew with a gas mask on as I cough uncontrollably. She grabs another and puts it on me. We help each other to the doors. I make Ava slide under the door as it bends the metal piece that's keeping it open. Right as Ava is out the door closes, locking Don and I in the room as the atmosphere forces it's way in.

I grab another gas mask and hand it to Don and he puts it on.

"On a positive note, my ankle feels much better." Don says as he points out the ankle monitor that broke off.

I hand him a crowbar and we try to pry the door open.

"Come on. Pressures building. We gotta open the door." I say. "In a few minutes, it's gonna be impossible to get this door open."

I see the glass of my watch crack and Don does too. We look at each other before putting more muscle into it. It doesn't budge.

We get tired and dizzy and sit down on the floor. My head is spinning and I can't focus.

"Hey, Don." I slur.

"Yeah?" He asks, just as loopy.

"I think I'm gonna sit down for a second." I tell him. "Feeling pretty spacey."

"We are sitting down." Don says. "I think."

"That's not good." I say as I struggle to keep my head up and my eyes open.

I let my head fall. Maybe a nap would be nice right about now.

"Oh, hey, hey, no, no. Y/n. Come on. Come on. Up. Up, up." Don puts a hand under my gas mask and leads my head up. "Come on. Open your eyes."

I open my e/c eyes and stare into his.

"Keep talking to me. Come on." Don says.

"I dunno. I think I need a nap. It's been a long day." I say.

"No, no. We can nap later. How about now we keep talking, yeah?" Don says.

"Huh. You know, there'd be a lot more people stuck in here if it wasn't for you." I say.

"Well, if you want the job done at seventy percent, call Don West." Don chuckles and I do too.

"Hey, I never thanked you for saving us when we were stuck in that classroom. So, thank you for saving us when we were stuck in that class room." I slur.

"Well, I couldn't exactly abandon the woman I fell in love with and her niece, now could I?" Don says.

"What?" I look over at him.

I think I catch a small tint of blush on his cheeks as he looks forward.

"What a way to confess." I laugh weakly. "Couldn't have done it sooner?"

Don chuckles.

I offer my hand and he takes it.

"Well, you're not half bad yourself, West." I say and lean my head on his shoulder.

The light bulbs burst from the pressure.

I groan and my head falls. I black out and the last thing I hear is Don weakly calling my name.

I wake up again to see that the airlock is closed and we are both still alive. The doors open and people come rushing in. Don and I look at each other and smile with the bit of strength we have. They help us up to the med bay.

We're alive. We're safe. We're gonna be okay.

*1564 words.

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