viii. real life!

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The game at Mason's place lasted whole half an hour, before Liam decided he was too tired for staring at a screen. It wasn't a complete lie, but the fact that he was losing didn't really help his case.

"C'mon, Lee, just one more game!" Corey begged him, hugging Mason from behind. Liam never paid any attention to the way his best friend interacted with his own boyfriend, but today was different. It was weird sitting next to them being all lovey-dovey, Liam interrupting their intimacy with his existence. 

"Yeah, I'm just not feelin' it today. You guys can play if you want, I'll just watch."

Mason stood up. "Hey, you know what? Liam and I will go upstairs, grab some more snacks and a few drinks. In the meantime, you two decide what we're doing next."

Corey frowned, but nodded when he saw the look in Mason's eyes. Theo followed suit and the boys went upstairs.

Mason started rummaging through the cabinets in a search for chips, while Liam grabbed the sodas from the fridge. 

"So what's up?" Mason asked as he closed he last cabinet, holding two jumbo bags of salty chips in his hands. He put the bags on the counter, moving closer to his best friend.

"Nothing, what do you mean?"

"You're acting weird. More weird than usual, I mean."

"I'm not. What are you talking about?"

"Liam. I'm your friend. Will you please talk to me?"

"I said I'm fine. I'm tired, I guess."

Mason sighed and rolled his eyes. "It's Theo, isn't it?"

"What is?"

"Theo is the reason you're acting all weird."

"I'm not acting weird!" he yelled and slammed the refrigerator door. Putting the sodas on the counter on his left, he raked a hand in his hair and pulled at the strands.

"Yeah, you are. You're acting weird because Theo coming back reminded you that you're in love with him."

Liam put a hand on Mason's mouth and shushed him. "Shhh, keep it down!"

He removed his hand and sighed. "He's my anchor, Mase."

"I knew it."

Liam dropped his head on to the marble of the kitchen island. The stone was cold under his forhead and the headache that was starting to announce itself began to disappear.  "It's not fair."

"What's not fair?"

"This. All of this," he lifted his head from the island and looked at Mason over his shoulder. "Him coming back is the best and worse thing that has even happened to me at the same time."

Mason put a hand on Liam's back, stroking gently. "I know, Lee. But you need to talk to him. I think he loves you back."

Liam laughed. "I doubt it. Why would he leave if he loved me?"

"It's Theo. Why does he do anything?"

Liam stood up and leaned on the kitchen counter. He crossed his arms and stared into the distance. He hated the way he felt. All would be easier it he didn't feel anything for the chimera, but no, he had to fall in love. Stupid love.

"I don't know, Mase. I just know that one day he got up and left. I would've understand if he decided to skip town, go to Boston or some place, but London? The moment he decided to crossed the ocean, I knew I fucked up. I did something that made him leave."

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