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    Abberline's boots clicked on the stone pavement , as he entered Dudfield's Yard . It was a narrow dead end , so all the footsteps were heard easily . A cold breeze had swept him as soon as he entered, to which Abberline looked up , and whispered ,

    "There you are Jack ."

    Then his attention turned on the body of Elizabeth Stryde . It was there stretched out on the floor , eyes shut . The throat was brutally slit , she was almost decapitated . He lifted her skirt , and was surprised by the lack of genital mutations. Abberline approached Mr Luis Demschutz , the person who found the body .

   "Mr Demschutz , you are aware that you disturbed the killer ?"

   "Yes , I believe so ."

   "Tell me your story ."

   "Well , what's there to tell ? I drove out from Crowley at around 10:30 . When I drove in to Whitechapel , it was about 12:00 , but I don't know for sure . I was about to enter my destination , Dudfield's Yard . When Old Meadows here , stopped. I  jumped from the cart to see what was going on . When I entered  , I saw a dead body. And somewhere in the dark , I think there was a man . It might have been my imagination, but I swear there was someone here ."

   "Thank you , Mr. Demschutz, tell me , are you literate ?"

   "Yes Sir ."

   "Then would you please write up your testimony in Scotland Yard ?"

   "Of course Sir ." Then Demschutz hesitated before speaking again . "Inspector..."

   "Yes ?"

   "That man I saw , might 'ave been a ghost..."

   "Alright , Mr. Demschutz . "

   Abberline began looking more , then he felt a cold breeze .

   "Men... Escort Demschutz to Scotland Yard , then meet me at Mitre Square , understood ? "

   "Yes Sir !" replied all the constables in unison, and left .

   Fog began surrounding Abberline , and clouding the streets. Abberline began loading his weapon . The fog began getting thicker , Abberline began trembling, hen took out a flask from his coat , and took a drink . Soon he couldn't see his own two hands in the fog , and it became even thicker when a cold breeze blew again . Abberline's gun was ready , and he yelled out .

   "I know you're here Jack !!! Come and face me !"

   For a second there was silence, then a voice was heard behind Abberline's back .

   "Oh , hello Inspector Abberline ! I've missed you !"

   The gates to Dudfield's Yard closed , and a shadow could be seen through the fog .

   "Why do you kill these women ?! Why do you horrify the people ?!!!"

   "Every man needs a hobby , detective. Mine seems to be ripping apart helpless women in the middle of the night !"

   "You're sick !" replied Abberline to the horrific thing Jack just exclaimed.

   "I'm more than sick , Frederick. " Said the voice softly .

   "What's your game Jack ?"

   "You're not asking the right questions detective !"

   "You sure about that ?" said Abberline pointing his gun at the Ripper . "I know you're right handed . I know that you follow me , and I know that you are linked to Sweeney Todd in some way ."

   Jack became angry , the only eye visible from his mask was sparkling with dreadful hate . He tried to regain his temper .

   "What's the matter Jack ? Am I getting too close to the truth ? Oh and I know that you have a link with Spring Heeled Jack also !"

   "But there's something you don't know detective !" said Jack , now calm and collected . "I AM THE FOG THAT CLOUDS WHITECHAPEL AT NIGHT !!!" .

   With that , he sprang to Abberline with knife in hand. Abberline began firing his gun , but he missed every shot .

   "I know what you are , Jack !" said Abberline suddenly .

   "Good , then you know that you must keep it a secret. Or else I'll kill again , and again ! And like letter addressed to you 'I shan't quit ripping them' , but you know that I won't be buckled ! I can't be buckled !"

   "I have you now ! Jack !" yelled Abberline as he emptied the last shot , and Jack the Ripper's footsteps were heard behind him , with the gate to Dudfield's yard now open .

   Then the fog began to clear , Abberline felt a deep gash , he touched his face . There was a large cut on the right side . Going from his eyebrow to his chin . He fell on the floor , screaming for help as the fog began to clear , the his consciousness faded , and he lay on the cold pavement of Dudfield's Yard , half dead .

A Cold Gust of Wind, A Tale of Jack the Ripper and other vicious killers Where stories live. Discover now