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From hell

Mr Lusk


I send you half the Kidne I took from one woman prasarved it for you tother piece I fried and ate it was very nise . I may send you the bloody knif that took it out if you only wate a whil longer


Catch me when you can Mishter Lusk

   The letter lay on Lusk's table on October 15th , next to it a small package with a scarlet bottom . George Lusk read the letter , and then slowly opened the package. Inside it , still fresh , was half a human kidney , covered in blood . The writer wasn't joking . When Lusk saw this , he went up to his window, opened it , and threw up .

   "He's come for me !" Lusk Said in fear . He ran to his bookshelf, and took out a Holy Bible , while also reaching for his gun .

   Then a cold breeze blew , and knocked the windows shut . Then the door to Lusk's lodgings opened , and in the midst of the cold air , and fog , stood a man clad in black , Jack the Ripper .

   Lusk took out his gun , and was about to fire , but then a cold breeze blew , sweeping the box from its position, and sending the kidney flying , landing on Lusk's Holy Bible , as he screamed in sheer horror . Then began to quickly recite prayers .

   Jack entered the room slowly and methodically, making each click of his boots pressed against the cold wood floorboards count , as it screeched slowly .

   "A present just for you Lusk !" Then said the man , when he was in breathing distance of George Lusk .

   In response, Lusk took out his gun only to have the Ripper slit his wrist in one quick motion. Lusk began to scream , then a gust of cold wind, slammed the door shut . George began to fire , but Jack knocked away his gun . Then embedded his knife in Lusk's kidney .

   "Don't try anything, Mishter Lusk ." Said Jack slowly, savoring the word 'Mishter' .

   "Why..."muttered Lusk in pain and fear , "... Why me ?"

   "Now that's a smart question, George !" Jack said as he slammed his hands on Lusk's desk . "To the naked eye it would seem because you have a vigilance committee . But anyone who will look deeper , will know that your committee is only there to senselessly pummel Jews ! Not to catch me ! I'm very disappointed in you George . So I sent this little gift as a reminder of who you should be chasing !"

   "You... can't.... rot..... in...... hell..." whispered Lusk and began aimlessly grabbing the air , as his wrist was bleeding .

   "Go on ! GO ON !" Yelled Jack slamming his hands on the table .

   "I.... know who you ..... are......." With those words , George Lusk was dead .

   The Ripper looked at the body he'd left behind, scoffed in his mask and said , "What a shame.... He'd have made a great detective. "

   Then he , with extreme force , jerked the knife from the corpse,  took the now rotting kidney, and put it back in the package,  he opened the door and looked at the floor . There lay the corpse of George Lusk, in a pool of blood . The Ripper walked away leaving the door open , then it was shut by a cold breeze , and Jack went into the fog , unnoticed .

A Cold Gust of Wind, A Tale of Jack the Ripper and other vicious killers Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora