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   Three hours later , a carriage pulled up to Buck's Row , in it were Sir Charles Warren and Detective Inspector Fredrick Abberline. Apparently someone had discovered the body , 40 minutes after the murder , and called over a constable to investigate . Soon they were all over the scene , the narrow street was blocked off from the public , the investigation was in full effect .

   Sir Charles Warren headed the investigation . He was an acclaimed Policeman , who became commissioner of the Metropolitan Police . Warren was a stern man , with an angry temper who was fiercely respected by his men . He wore a dark blue overcoat with woolen lapels , and a police badge . On his face was a bushy mustache  , and he wore a black bowler .

   His college , Fredrick Abberline was an excellent detective. Abberline was a straight-forward stern , well mannered insanely loyal detective , who would search everywhere , and would go to any lengths to catch the ones responsible .He knew Whitechapel inside and out , for he had been raised there . Fredrick  wore a standard detective's attire , consisting of a frock coat , bowler hat , vest , tie , and black leather boots . He had a great big mustache with whiskers .

   The two detectives approached the body , and looked upon the grisly scene . Then a cold breeze blew , knocking Abberline's hat off  , he quickly picked it up , but then continued looking at the floor .

-"What is it , Abberline ?" , asked Warren

-"Sir , there's something here ! " replied Abberline.

-"What is it ?"

-"Sir , there's blood on the pavement !"

-"So what ? There's blood everywhere !"

-"This is still fresh...'

   Both detectives leaned down , and looked at the pavement . On it was a fresh pool of blood , it was still liquid .

-"How is this possible ?" asked Warren , with a strange look of surprise on his face.

-"I don't know , sir , I'll need to examine it further. "

   The investigation continued , Abberline examined every inch of the crime scene looking for clues , to no avail . Before the clock struck 12 in the p.m. , Warren received a telegram . A constable handed it to him . Warren skimmed through the letter , which read

"To Sir Charles Warren

   Sir Charles , your assistance is needed immediately at 'Deacon's Jewelery' , it has been robbed , and your wife is in hospital . Come at once .

Best Regards, James Monro"

   Warren told one of the constables to ready the carriage and to get him to 'Scotland Yard'  at once . Then he turned to Abberline ,scribbled something on a sheet of paper , and handed it to him .

"Good luck" he said , and sped off .

Abberline read the note , which read

"Frederick , you are now head of the investigation.

Signed , Sir Charles Warren."

A Cold Gust of Wind, A Tale of Jack the Ripper and other vicious killers Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum