Chapter 14

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Pic ⬆️ is Akira

You saw Karma's body tense up as everyone looked his way.

"LIAR!" Karma clenched his hands and slammed them on the desk,

"I was the only child of the Akabane family."

"Listen, your parents abandoned me, threw me out like I was nothing, just because you were born. Someone found me, and you want to know what his name was? The reaper. He taught me how to kill, but he never finished because one day, he disappeared."

"Hold up. AKIRA AKABANE! You never told me THE reaper taught you! He was the one who saved me all those years ago. I never got to thank him." You said, showing a little smile.

"Hey Y/n, wanna ditch today?" Karma said, trying to break yours and Akira's conversation. Obviously because he felt jealous.

"Why in the world would I ditch with you."

"Because I'm your boyfriend??"

"Ex Boyfriend." You corrected,

"But you never broke up me..."

"We're over Karma, there you happy? Aki-kun wanna go get ice cream? I know a really good place."

Aki lifted up an eye brow, glancing between the two of you so you took your phone out and texted him that you would explain it later.

You grabbed the spare money that you keep hidden in your desk and dragged him out by his collar.

You both reached the park where the little ice cream shop was at and sat down on a near by bench.

"So are you going to tell me what happened?"

You lowered your head, making your bangs cover your eyes. "Karma was cheating on me... he broke me. I don't know what to do." You cried into his shoulder as he hugged you,

"I'll beat that son of a bitch up." He growled. You slightly smirked,

"You know what would be a great way for pay back?" You said and Aki raised his eyebrow,

"Me and you, relationship. Sound good?" You made hand movements (✌️🤞) while saying that resulting him to smirk at you, you thought little and added a devilish thought to your sentence, "And we can.... let's say, dispose of the Bitch Okuda..."

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