Still no result - A friend from the past

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Ray: *smiles at Max* You rock, Max.

Max: *turns red and looks embarrassed down* I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me!

Kenny: *giggles* Don't worry. I'm sure, that it's not LDrago!

Tyson: *gets tears in eyes and hugs his blond friend proudly* Our little chick finally grow up! *cries* Buaaaaaaaaaaaa! He even was brave enough to show me where my place is! I'm so sorry, Max. You are right! Buaaaaaaaaaaaah! I'm just worried about Hilary.

Max: *hugs him and pats Tyson's back* It's ok, Tyson! We will save Hilary. Last time Kai told you to call your dad. Did you talk to him?

Tyson: *pulls back and wipes the tears away* No, because something took too much money from me! *takes his phone out* I will try it again! *sighs* OK, Google!

Google: *speaks with an angry voice* What do you want, you adulterer!

Everyone looks confused at Tyson's phone.

Tyson: *confused* Um..... Excuse me, but what?

Google: *annoyed* You destroyed my marriage life! You told YouTube about my lovers and now he wants revenge. He makes love with Wikipedia. He sends her likes.

Tyson: *rolls his eyes* I have no time for this, Google! LDrago has my girlfriend!

Google: *chuckles slyly* Well, it's karma! Hehehehehehe.

Tyson: *first stunned, then growls in anger* Do you know what?! You deserve that YouTube is with Wikipedia now! You're a cold-hearted electronic website monster!

Google: *does a long pause then starts to cry* Buaaaaaaaah.... You're right! I'm a monster! Buaaaaaaaah... *cries louder*

Everyone in the room covers their ears.

Ray: Make it stop, Tyson!

Tyson: *rolls his eyes and sighs* Ok, Ok, I'm sorry, Google. *speaks softly to her* You're not a monster. Please, don't cry. I hate it when a woman cries in front of me.

Google: *calms down and does a noise as if she would clean the nose* Pffffffffffff..... Next week! Wednesday!

Tyson: *confused* What?

Google: *giggles* I'm free on Wednesday next week. I know a good China restaurant. You and me alone.

Tyson: *looks stunned at his phone and his mouth drops* Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?

The others start to laugh. Daichi falls on the floor and hits the floor with the fists.

Google: *flirts* Excuse me, Mr. Granger! But you're the first one who talk with me so lovely. You are becoming more and more likeable to me.

Tyson: *his bangs covers his face, and he chuckles creepy* Oh, man! Never give a woman compliments. They fall in love with you and even say your right name!

The others break in laughter again.

Tyson: *rolls the eyes* Oh, yeah! Very funny boys! *sighs* Listen to me, Google!

Google: *whispers seductively* Yes, my love?

Tyson: *stunned and yells* I'm not..... *sighs and calm down* Ok, darling!

The others fall all on the floor and laugh.

Tyson: *pouts at them* Shut up, you all. *whispers hot to Google* I give you 350 Yen to talk to my father in Maya and 150 Yen for your date with your lovers.

Google: *screams in joy* Aaaaaaaaaaaah. Oh, thank you, Mr. Granger. You're the best lover ever.

Tyson: *growls* I'm not your....... *calms down again* I want to talk with my father, Goo..... I mean darling.

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