Chapter 7

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Draco's P.O.V.


I watched as the spell hit everyone in the Great Hall, including all the staff that was there, and everyone seemed to be dazed for a few moments, before carrying on with their day.

I hoped it worked..

Harry P.O.V.

"Bloody hell.. what just happened?" I looked at Hermione, very confused. I felt very dizzy for a moment and almost fell over.

Hermione looked just as confused as me, but Ron was seemingly unfazed, but that was probably because he had fallen asleep in the Great Hall when he was done eating.

I looked around and everyone else seems just as confused as me. What the fuck even just happened?

Once I made my way to my first class of the day (potions.. ugh.) I sat down and began to day dream.

Eventually Snape burst in, causing me and several other people to Jump. He walked in and told us to turn to page 76 in our potions books. (page 394 lol no)

I stared down at the potion we were supposed to be brewing, confused. He wanted us to brew an Beautification Potion, but yesterday we were just learning how to brew an advanced sleeping potion.

I looked over to Hermione to see if I was missing out on something, but she looked just as confused. Her hand shot up and Snape rolled his eyes.

"Yes Miss Granger?" He said, clearly annoyed. Hermione ignored his annoyance and asked her question.

"Sir, we are supposed to be learning an advanced sleeping potion. Why are we learning this all of a sudden?"

For once, Snape looked confused. "Miss Granger, we finished learning that last week and have been practicing the Beautification Potion for the past few days."

Everyone looked confused. What the bloody hell was happening?

Snape P.O.V.

I looked around at the confused faces on all the students. What was happening? I heard a mumbled "shit." And looked to see who had said it. I looked over at a table to see Mr. Malfoy face palm and look down as though he did something wrong.

I didn't know what was happening but I needed to talk to him.

"Class dismissed then. Something strange is happening." I said. I watched as everyone left, but held Malfoy back.

"What did you do."

Draco P.O.V.

Dammit I'm stupid.

When I was obliviating the schools memories of everything that happened with me and the whole 'thing' in the past three months, my tiredness must've gotten to me and I must've deleted their memories from all of last week.

It may not seem like a lot, but it is.

"Mr. Malfoy did you here me?" I looked up to see Snape standing in front of me, a stern glare on his face.

"What. Did. You. Do."

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