Chapter 5

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Pansy P.O.V.

"Draco that's wonderful!!" I said in delight. Draco had just told me that Snape had made a potion to extend his time. "I know it is!" He said.

"Honestly Draco, why don't you just get the surgery? It'd be so much better than putting us through this." Blaise said. Draco Glared at him. "I already told you Blaise. I'd rather die."

Blaise sighed. We'd been trying to convince Draco to get the surgery, but he kept saying how he'd rather die. It was sad. We didn't understand why he wanted to keep his feelings for someone who would never love him back.

Draco shook his head. "Anyway, how are you guys?


Harry P.O.V.

"Ron, stop. You're going to hurt yourself. We can't be worrying about 2 people in the hospital wing." Hermione said as Ron preformed random spells on himself out of pure bordem.

"Honestly 'Mione, why don't we just leave the bloke alone and then maybe he'll get the surgery and we won't have to deal with this anymore." Ron said.

Hermione glared at him. "Speaking of Malfoy, Isn't it time to go see him Harry? I shrugged. "Harry you can't ignore him."

"Hermione, I'm just tired. I'll see him tomorrow." I said. It was partially true. I was tired. But I also felt like I was just making his situation worse the longer I spent with him.

I didn't know how to feel anymore.

Sup Fuckers, it's me. Yes I'm back from the dead! Haven't updated this is like 2-3 months soooo yea lol. Anyway sorry this chapter was really short, I know. You waited this long just to get like 250 words. I promise that the next chapter will be better though! Okay incant promise that but let's hope! Cya!

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