Chapter 19

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Harry P.O.V.

In a flash, they all went down, grabbing onto the table they had stood on for dear life. They looked terrified.

I flew towards them. "Come on! We can't leave them!" Hermione and Ron gave each other a look, before flying after me. I  swooped down and tried to grab Draco, but missed. I spun back around to grab him again.

I looped my arm through his and pulled him onto the broom. I saw Hermione and Ron do the same. As we sped away from the pile, I saw the deatheaters running towards the door.

I felt Draco's arms tighten around me. I wanted to say something, to comfort him, to tell him it would all be okay, but now wasn't the time.

As we sped towards the door I saw Fenrir toss Lucius backwards, somehow causing a pile to fall down and into the fire. It went up in flames quickly and almost caught onto the ends of our brooms.

I looked back quickly to see Hermione struggling to keep her broom up. Pansy was close to passing out and it wasn't helping Hermione stay in the air.

I couldn't help her though. I had to get Draco to saftey first. I felt horrible abandoning her like that, but I had to.

The doors were almost closed. I saw the 3 death eaters run out of them, Bellatrix laughing as she shot more fire towards us. "Come on you old broom.." I mumbled to myself.

I sped up as fast as I could, and saw the door coming towards me at lightning speed. Then, I crashed onto the floor, Draco tumbling down with me. I looked around to see Ron and Hermione fly through with Blaise and Pansy, crashing down as well.

I felt the diadem in my pocket, not sure how to destroy it. "Harry!" I looked over and saw Hermione throw something in my direction. A basilisk fang.

I caught it and set the diadem on the ground, and in one swift motion I stabbed downwards and destroyed the main gem.

Black smoke rose from the horcrux, and Ron kicked it into the fire, just before the doors closed. It hit the flames and caused a giant head to form that looked exactly like Voldemort. It let out a terrifying shriek, and just before the doors closed for good, it rushed towards and screamed "HARRY POTTER!!!" In a shrill voice.

The doors closed.


I dropped to my knees as I felt my scar burn. I didn't notice the presence next to me until someone wrapped their arms around me, burying their head into my neck. I recognized the familiar soft blonde hair, and I relaxed.

He whispered quietly, barley audible, but loud enough for just me to hear.

"Thank you.."

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