Chapter 31

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     We have the same kind of stardust in our souls....


        The light pitter patter of rain rings through my ears, drowning out the voice of the teacher, amidst that of the chattering students and my pen, subconsciously tapping away at my notebook in discomfort. The bell makes it way to the list, sounding loudly, signaling the start of recess.

          I file out of the classroom, just like the other students and make my way towards my locker, inputting my code to get the books for the next periods. Recess was a waste of time, considering it was such an awfully short break.

          "Fund raiser?" A voice startles me and I turn around to catch a girl, grinning at me. Her short black hair bounced against her neck as she repeatedly rocked her heels and her warm brown eyes, coaxed me.
     My eyes finally assess the poster she was offering to me. The title clearly stating Dance!

        "Um...a dance?"

      She bops her head. "Yeah. We're getting charity funds from the dance. I mean, I think that's how it goes...the school does this like every term."

         "That's cute but dances aren't my thing." I shake my head, turning around to grab the rest of my books.

         "It's not really difficult to figure out," she lifts a brow and I scrunch up my face. "Leather jacket screams rebellious. Let's not even gets to the boots which says, ‘these legs aren't made for heels’."

         I'm amused as the girl rambles on about what my dressing says about my personality. "What's your name?"

          She paused and stares at me in awe. "Ruby." She replies, her name rolling off her tongue in some sort of Spanish accent.

        "I'm Raven..."

        "Oh C'mon, you honestly think I don't know you? You've got into the highest number of fight in school next to Larson." She scoffs.  "I literally run every fucking blog in this school, my nose is on every scoop. I know everything,"

         The way she says ‘everything’ has me wondering if she really does know or just has a pretty darn huge mouth.

            "Hope you change your mind about the dance!" She flashes me a huge toothy grin and then skips off once again. The school really is full of weirdos.


        My bag clashes to the ground with a huge thud as the door shuts behind us. Just like every sound I'd been jumping at today, that also doesn't go unnoticed. My mind drifts away from that pretty soon though as I'm lifted on to a desk, wet kisses traveling down my neck. I give out a soft moan at the pleasurable appeal and Klaus' lips comes crashing to mine in seconds. His hands riding up my thighs, my fingers locked in his hair, pulling him closer to myself, unable to get enough. His fingers brushes against the lower part of my abdomen and I shiver, feeling a tingling sensation. His hands seem to travel lower and I'm at the point of utmost pleasure when he utters the words I'm so fucking sure I'm not ready to hear yet.

           "I want you to meet my sister."

      I stare at him in awe, getting off the desk I'd been placed on, my fingers reflexively going to my open buttons. "You're fucking with me."

         "C'mon Raven, don't be like that!" He edges towards me with open arms which I shove away.

         "Of all the times to bring that up! You decide now is best? Now?!" I shriek.

          His fingers brushes against his already messy hair, caused by the interlocking of my fingers and he licks and bites on his lower lips.

        Damn those lips.

      "Honestly, I have no idea when it's best to bring up stuffs with you," he breathes out. "You're so fucking difficult to understand."

      My eyes narrow at him in disbelief. "Well, fuck me then."

          "Maybe that's all I really want!" He coughs up and my eyes widen even more. He seems to realize his words and immediately tries to backtrack. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean that...I mean I have no idea how this is even a fight all of a...."

        His sentence is cut short by my folded hand connecting to his jaw. I barge out of the classroom after that, jaw locked and literally fuming.  I shrug on my jacket and make sure my uniform didn't look so out of place. Didn't want people talking just yet.

         "You missed a spot," I'm reminded by a familiar voice and I look up to see Zoie leaned against the rows of locker, her index finger at her lips.

      I wipe at my mouth, realizing what she's etching at.

           "Who's the poor sucker?" She guffaws, raising a brow and I shrug, refusing to answer her question. "Well, you don't have to tell me...just hope he knows you're a fucked up human being."

       "Asshole!" I growl, sending the nearest trash can towards her direction. She cackles and pivots, swaggering away.

        I sigh and lean my forehead against one of the lockers. "He does." I mutter to myself.

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