Chapter 43

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      Our lives may not have fit together but ohh, did our souls know how to dance...


     My jaw is tilted up, bringing my face closer to Klaus'. I felt so stupid. There was a reason I stayed away from alcohol, I didn't enjoy hiding my sadness by getting myself intoxicated, but somehow, that's what I've ended up learning to do. I feel everything I've stood for is crashing down and I have no balance over things anymore. I don't get me anymore. I don't have my shit together anymore. If I was broken before, I don't know what I am now.

        "You don't have to be sorry for crap," Klaus reassures me, keeping eye contact. "You're going through a really bad time and this is kind of okay."

        "No it's not." I groan, stepping away from him. My fingers go into my hair, ruffling it. Fuck okay. I wasn't one to do okay.

       "It is."

      "Well...not for me then!" I yell, pivoting. "I don't...I'm not...Fuck!"

     I'm at a loss for words as every pathetic memory I've got comes crashing in all at once. I was a really screwed up person.

       "Kiss me?" I say, my lips quivering.


    I don't let him have the liberty of rambling on about other things. My palms cup his face and our lips connect with an unimaginable force. I hear his sharp intake of breath before he actually commits to letting his lips warm up against mine. Funny how you do something so much that you can't actually believe that just one of it will really amuse you.

       "What do you want to do now?" He asks, leaning his forehead against mine with a toothy grin.

      "Since you asked..." I chuckle, jumping into his arms, forcing us both to fall on to the bed behind him.


      I glance towards Klaus once again. He looked cute when he slept. Less bothering too. His hair got messy fast and his eyebrows were almost always furrowed. He always held on to something when he slept. A pillow, his blanket, me? He had to have something in his hands. Tonight, it was the pillow he had offered me the first night I got here. A smile tugs on the corner of my lips as I watch him. He was an amazing distraction too. He wasn't just that though, he meant so much more to me even after all the annoying crap he had put me through when we first met.

      My mouth dries up, craving liquid, considering I was still awake after midnight and hadn't considered having dinner. How could I? My thoughts has me fucked.

     I quietly trail out of the room and into the kitchen, hoping to grab a glass of water. I'm in the process of filling up the cup when I'm startled by movements behind me. I reflexively turn around, almost dropping the glass in the process.

      "I didn't realize anyone was in here,"  A woman I wasn't familiar with snorts, stepping towards the refrigerator. "I don't think we've officially met..."

    She says, as if reading my thoughts. A bottle of orange juice is pulled out by her and she grabs a glass to fill it up.

       "I'm Miranda Larson," She states and I almost choke on my spit. This is Klaus' mom. How could I have missed that? Shit. I keep making great first impressions. "You're Raven, right? Niklaus' girlfriend? I honestly don't know why he has such a shitty taste in women."

     She says, bringing the now full glass to her lips. I stare at her in awe, unable to believe she just said those words.

        "Excuse me?"

     "I mean I don't know why he couldn't just be like his dad, go after the hot ones," she lets out a breath, dropping her glass. Her eyes assess me from head to toe, not being at all discreet. "Not the rebellious abandoned, money seekers."

      Oh fuck. There was a fucking line and the bitch just crossed it. The glass in my hand goes on the counter as I pull out a knife from the open set. I step closer, pinning her against the island, my arm on her neck. I lean in, dropping my voice to a whisper seeing as...well, people were asleep.

       "Listen up Miranda, if you think I owe you shit or that I have to prove myself to you to be with your son, that ain't happening. I really like Klaus, he's the only boy I've managed to find not gross recently and I'm not going to let some fucked up bitch he sees as his mom ruin that," I ramble on, unable to think straight. The knife lifts closer to her face and she lets out a choked gasp. "If I wanted your money, I'd have had it and be gone a long time ago. Don't you ever try threatening me again...It'd be the last time you ever spoke."

     The cold sharp objects makes contact with her bottom lip and the horrific expression on her face is exactly what I wanted.

      I hear the shuffling of feet and give Miranda one more hard stare before stepping away from her. The knife returns to it set and just then, Klaus shows up in the kitchen. He lets out a yawn, rubbing on his eye.

      "Raven? What are you doing here?" He asks, stepping closer.

       "Just came to get some water," I say, lifting my glass and finally quenching my thirst. "But then I ran into your mom..."

     His gaze shifts to his mother whose expression at the moment is priceless. Her hand on her chest as she horrifically stares me down.

       "Mom? I thought you stopped your late night snacks." He yawns once again.

     She shifts out of her trance, shaking her head. "Just got hungry this once."

       "Well, Raven, I'm still very sleepy, so come on, let's go back to bed." He says, opening up his arms for me to walk into them. I trail over and he grabs me, leading me out of the kitchen. I share a glance with Miranda just before we're completely gone and I'm sure as hell she mouthed these next words.

         "You crazy bitch."

    But I'm also pretty sure I gave her the finger.

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